Startcom stellt Betrieb ein

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Mitglied seit
13. Mai 2012
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Laut einer Mail die ich heute bekommen habe hat startcom sich entschlossen den Betrieb als CA zum 1.1.2020 endgültig einzustellen und sich nicht weiter darum zu bemühen wieder als vertrauenswürdig zu gelten. Und ab 1.1.2018 auch keine neuen Zertifikate auszustellen.

Rich (BBCode):
This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply.                                                       Dear customer,
    As you are surely aware, the browser makers distrusted StartCom around a year ago and therefore all the end entity certificates newly issued by StartCom are not trusted by default in browsers.
    The browsers imposed some conditions in order for the certificates to be re-accepted. While StartCom believes that these conditions have been met, it appears there are still certain difficulties forthcoming. Considering this situation, the owners of StartCom have decided to terminate the company as a Certification Authority as mentioned in Startcom´s website.
    StartCom will stop issuing new certificates starting from January 1st, 2018 and will provide only CRL and OCSP services for two more years. 
    StartCom would like to thank you for your support during this difficult time. 
    StartCom is contacting some other CAs to provide you with the certificates needed. In case you don´t want us to provide you an alternative, please, contact us at
    Please let us know if you need any further assistance with the transition process. We deeply apologize for any inconveniences that this may cause. 
    Best regards,
StartCom Certification Authority


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Mitglied seit
05. Mrz 2013
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Die Meldung kam am 17.11. u.a. bei Heise
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