Synology Launches New North American Website, and Expands Customer Resources and Prod

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03. Nov 2008
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Synology Launches New North American Website, and Expands Customer Resources and Product Support for US market.

Redmond, WA – October 22nd, 2009 - Synology® America Corp., today announced the official launch of it’s North American website at, featuring updated product information, how to guides, regional case studies, industry solutions, US-based product support and more. Synology® Inc., a global provider of network attached storage devices, offers a wide range of Synology Disk Stations that go beyond backup for home users and small to medium sized businesses.

“This is just another step in delivering our customers regional-based resources and support, “ says Heather Morford, Director of Marketing – North America. “We can now provide our customers localized and relevant product information, resources and tools to help with their buying decisions and to leverage their existing Synology Disk Stations. We felt that a North American regional website was a must for our U.S and Canadian fans, “ adds Morford.

With a growing buzz surrounding Synology products in North America, the new regional website is an extension of the strong customer support that Synology is known for. Synology’s in-house customer support team located in Redmond, Washington offers customers the chance to talk to product specialists who use and know network storage inside and out

Visit anytime between now and November 1st and sign up to receive Synology’s e-newsletter, press releases or reseller gazette and you’ll be automatically entered in a drawing to win a new Synology DiskStation DS109j

Every Synology DiskStation comes with the exclusive Disk Station Manager 2.2, including highly acclaimed features like automatic backup, email notification, remote file sharing, RAID, ADS support, Surveillance, media streaming, web hosting and email server capabilities. Best of all it’s built on open-source Linux with an easy to use interface and intuitive wizards, making setup and maintenance a breeze.

Synology DiskStations range from single-bay units for home users to multiple-bay units and expansion boxes for small to medium sized businesses. With fast performance and an affordable price tag, Synology Disk Stations are an award-winning solution for file serving and backup needs.

Synology DiskStations are available through resellers, distributors and online retailers. For a complete list of North American locations, visit

Wie schon bei allen anderen lokalisierten Seiten gelangt man über den Link natürlich erst zur internationalen Seite und kann über die Liste rechts oben das Land/die Sprache wählen. Synology-US sieht ein wenig anders aus, lohnt sich also mal einen Blick zu wagen.

MfG Matthieu


Mitglied seit
15. Mai 2008
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Joa, ich hab mich schon gewundert, warum es 2x was Englisches gibt. Da sind ein paar interessante Seite und Ideen (Animations) ;) - mal sehen was sich da so noch tuen wird. Ist wohl Franklins Handschrift :)

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