Synology & Spectre / Meltdown

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23. Jan 2010
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Ich habe mal den Spectre-Meltdown-Checker auf meiner DS218+ laufen gelassen, und bin sehr erschrocken:

Rich (BBCode):
ash-4.3# ./ 
Spectre and Meltdown mitigation detection tool v0.37+

Checking for vulnerabilities on current system
Kernel is Linux 4.4.15+ #15284 SMP PREEMPT Sat May 19 04:45:12 CST 2018 x86_64
CPU is Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU J3355 @ 2.00GHz
We're missing some kernel info (see -v), accuracy might be reduced

Hardware check
* Hardware support (CPU microcode) for mitigation techniques
  * Indirect Branch Restricted Speculation (IBRS)
    * SPEC_CTRL MSR is available:  NO 
    * CPU indicates IBRS capability:  NO 
  * Indirect Branch Prediction Barrier (IBPB)
    * PRED_CMD MSR is available:  NO 
    * CPU indicates IBPB capability:  NO 
  * Single Thread Indirect Branch Predictors (STIBP)
    * SPEC_CTRL MSR is available:  NO 
    * CPU indicates STIBP capability:  NO 
  * Speculative Store Bypass Disable (SSBD)
    * CPU indicates SSBD capability:  NO 
  * Enhanced IBRS (IBRS_ALL)
    * CPU indicates ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR availability:  NO 
    * ARCH_CAPABILITIES MSR advertises IBRS_ALL capability:  NO 
  * CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Meltdown (RDCL_NO):  NO 
  * CPU explicitly indicates not being vulnerable to Variant 4 (SSB_NO):  NO 
  * CPU microcode is known to cause stability problems:  NO  (model 0x5c family 0x6 stepping 0x9 ucode 0x2c cpuid 0x506c9)
* CPU vulnerability to the speculative execution attack variants
  * Vulnerable to Variant 1:  YES 
  * Vulnerable to Variant 2:  YES 
  * Vulnerable to Variant 3:  YES 
  * Vulnerable to Variant 3a:  YES 
  * Vulnerable to Variant 4:  YES 

CVE-2017-5753 [bounds check bypass] aka 'Spectre Variant 1'
* Kernel has array_index_mask_nospec (x86):  UNKNOWN  (couldn't check (couldn't find your kernel image in /boot, if you used netboot, this is normal))
* Kernel has the Red Hat/Ubuntu patch:  UNKNOWN  (missing 'strings' tool, please install it, usually it's in the binutils package)
* Kernel has mask_nospec64 (arm):  UNKNOWN  (couldn't check (couldn't find your kernel image in /boot, if you used netboot, this is normal))
* Checking count of LFENCE instructions following a jump in kernel...  UNKNOWN  (couldn't check (couldn't find your kernel image in /boot, if you used netboot, this is normal))
> STATUS:  UNKNOWN  (Couldn't find kernel image or tools missing to execute the checks)

> How to fix: Re-run this script with root privileges, after installing the missing tools indicated above

CVE-2017-5715 [branch target injection] aka 'Spectre Variant 2'
* Mitigation 1
  * Kernel is compiled with IBRS support:  NO 
    * IBRS enabled and active:  NO 
  * Kernel is compiled with IBPB support:  UNKNOWN  (in offline mode, we need the kernel image to be able to tell)
    * IBPB enabled and active:  NO 
* Mitigation 2
  * Kernel has branch predictor hardening (arm):  NO 
  * Kernel compiled with retpoline option:  UNKNOWN  (couldn't read your kernel configuration)
> STATUS:  VULNERABLE  (IBRS+IBPB or retpoline+IBPB is needed to mitigate the vulnerability)

> How to fix: To mitigate this vulnerability, you need either IBRS + IBPB, both requiring hardware support from your CPU microcode in addition to kernel support, or a kernel compiled with retpoline and IBPB, with retpoline requiring a retpoline-aware compiler (re-run this script with -v to know if your version of gcc is retpoline-aware) and IBPB requiring hardware support from your CPU microcode. The retpoline + IBPB approach is generally preferred as the performance impact is lower. More information about how to enable the missing bits for those two possible mitigations on your system follow. You only need to take one of the two approaches.

> How to fix: The microcode of your CPU needs to be upgraded to be able to use IBPB. This is usually done at boot time by your kernel (the upgrade is not persistent across reboots which is why it's done at each boot). If you're using a distro, make sure you are up to date, as microcode updates are usually shipped alongside with the distro kernel. Availability of a microcode update for you CPU model depends on your CPU vendor. You can usually find out online if a microcode update is available for your CPU by searching for your CPUID (indicated in the Hardware Check section). An updated CPU microcode will have IBRS/IBPB capabilities indicated in the Hardware Check section above. If you're running under an hypervisor (KVM, Xen, VirtualBox, VMware, ...), the hypervisor needs to be up to date to be able to export the new host CPU flags to the guest. You can run this script on the host to check if the host CPU is IBRS/IBPB. If it is, and it doesn't show up in the guest, upgrade the hypervisor. You may need to reconfigure your VM to use a CPU model that has IBRS capability; in Libvirt, such CPUs are listed with an IBRS suffix.

> How to fix: Your kernel doesn't have IBPB support, so you need to either upgrade your kernel (if you're using a distro) or recompiling a more recent kernel.

> How to fix: The microcode of your CPU needs to be upgraded to be able to use IBRS. This is usually done at boot time by your kernel (the upgrade is not persistent across reboots which is why it's done at each boot). If you're using a distro, make sure you are up to date, as microcode updates are usually shipped alongside with the distro kernel. Availability of a microcode update for you CPU model depends on your CPU vendor. You can usually find out online if a microcode update is available for your CPU by searching for your CPUID (indicated in the Hardware Check section). An updated CPU microcode will have IBRS/IBPB capabilities indicated in the Hardware Check section above. If you're running under an hypervisor (KVM, Xen, VirtualBox, VMware, ...), the hypervisor needs to be up to date to be able to export the new host CPU flags to the guest. You can run this script on the host to check if the host CPU is IBRS/IBPB. If it is, and it doesn't show up in the guest, upgrade the hypervisor. You may need to reconfigure your VM to use a CPU model that has IBRS capability; in Libvirt, such CPUs are listed with an IBRS suffix.

> How to fix: Your kernel doesn't have IBRS support, so you need to either upgrade your kernel (if you're using a distro) or recompiling a more recent kernel.

CVE-2017-5754 [rogue data cache load] aka 'Meltdown' aka 'Variant 3'
* Kernel supports Page Table Isolation (PTI):  NO 
  * PTI enabled and active:  NO 
  * Reduced performance impact of PTI:  NO  (PCID/INVPCID not supported, performance impact of PTI will be significant)
* Running as a Xen PV DomU:  NO 
> STATUS:  VULNERABLE  (PTI is needed to mitigate the vulnerability)

> How to fix: If you're using a distro kernel, upgrade your distro to get the latest kernel available. Otherwise, recompile the kernel with the CONFIG_PAGE_TABLE_ISOLATION option (named CONFIG_KAISER for some kernels), or the CONFIG_UNMAP_KERNEL_AT_EL0 option (for ARM64)

CVE-2018-3640 [rogue system register read] aka 'Variant 3a'
  * CPU microcode mitigates the vulnerability:  NO 
> STATUS:  VULNERABLE  (an up-to-date CPU microcode is needed to mitigate this vulnerability)

> How to fix: The microcode of your CPU needs to be upgraded to mitigate this vulnerability. This is usually done at boot time by your kernel (the upgrade is not persistent across reboots which is why it's done at each boot). If you're using a distro, make sure you are up to date, as microcode updates are usually shipped alongside with the distro kernel. Availability of a microcode update for you CPU model depends on your CPU vendor. You can usually find out online if a microcode update is available for your CPU by searching for your CPUID (indicated in the Hardware Check section). The microcode update is enough, there is no additional OS, kernel or software change needed.

CVE-2018-3639 [speculative store bypass] aka 'Variant 4'
  * Kernel supports speculation store bypass:  NO 
> STATUS:  VULNERABLE  (Neither your CPU nor your kernel support SSBD)

> How to fix: Both your CPU microcode and your kernel are lacking support for mitigation. If you're using a distro kernel, upgrade your distro to get the latest kernel available. Otherwise, recompile the kernel from recent-enough sources. The microcode of your CPU also needs to be upgraded. This is usually done at boot time by your kernel (the upgrade is not persistent across reboots which is why it's done at each boot). If you're using a distro, make sure you are up to date, as microcode updates are usually shipped alongside with the distro kernel. Availability of a microcode update for you CPU model depends on your CPU vendor. You can usually find out online if a microcode update is available for your CPU by searching for your CPUID (indicated in the Hardware Check section).

A false sense of security is worse than no security at all, see --disclaimer

Kein PTI, kein Retpoline, kein IBRS, GARNICHTS!
Weiss jemand ob bei Synology da etwas in Planung ist?


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03. Nov 2008
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Mitglied seit
23. Jan 2010
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Zumindest Meltdown lässt sich mit einem simplen Kernelupdate fixen. Und die Microcode-Updates laufen auf all meinen Linux-Maschinen super :)
Ich bin gespannt.


Mitglied seit
01. Apr 2011
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Im aktuellsten DSM 6.2.1 gefunden ;)


  • 05-09-2018 12-40-13.jpg
    05-09-2018 12-40-13.jpg
    65,3 KB · Aufrufe: 133


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03. Sep 2012
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Danke für den Hinweis!


Mitglied seit
29. Apr 2014
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wo finde ich denn das Script: ?
Ist die DS213+ denn überhaupt "Affected"?
bei "Freescale P1022" Prozessor?


Mitglied seit
01. Apr 2011
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