ReversProxy on Synology to replace NPM


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16. Dez 2017
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I want to replace NPM with Reverse proxy on Synology.
I found this video:

What I have now is:

Subdomain 1/2/3… from IONOS
Directed via CNAME to the My!fritz Domain.

Port forwarding from Fritz!box to VM IP of NPM.
From NPM to VM 1/2/3… with applications e.g Nextcloud
Let's Encrypt certificate requested via NPM.

All clear?
PS: also address my IONOS subdomain for Synology/notes is in NPM -> Synology IP:port
Do you need more info on This?


Now I want the Synologys Reverse Proxy to do the Job of NPM.
  • Domains arrive @ Fritz!box.
  • Port forwarding to Synology IP with Reverse Proxy running - instead to VM with NPM
  • Direct Domain 1/2/3… to the VM 1/2/3… with applications
How to get Let's encrypt certificate now?
Where to put the domains 1/2/3...arriving from Fritz!Box via Port forwarding to Synology Reverse Proxy to get certificates.
(I don't understand how to put the subdomains e.g. in DDNS section of Synology to request certificates? – as you would do with DDNS domains.)

All clear?
Do you require more info on This?

Is this the right way so far?

Pls. Help to get this reverse manager on Synology set up properly.
Many THX.

PS: If I'm @ the wrong place here — pls excuse me !!
BUT Pls.

Be so kind to advise me how to turn to guys - > They Know How-To
Do you think I better go to Reddit?
Surely I'll post the links to other forums here!!


Mitglied seit
30. Nov 2012
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Puuuhhhh, I'm afraid you can't combine a MyFritz thingy with Synology. You only can combine Synology with a DynDNS redirecter - means using Dynamic DNS feature of the Fritzbox routing to the Reverse Proxy on the Synology.

The way you installed the entire thing - needs you to install the ReverseProxy on the Fritzbox, which can't be done. The only thing which will work is IONOS domain > CNAME > Synology Domain > ReverseProxy >Synology Subdomain

Or you do it the way you do "without a reverse proxy", means: IONOS domain > CNAME > MyFritz Domain > Synology. But then you can't install a Let'sEncrypt cert.... or maybe trying to do so on the Fritzbox (but I'm guessing this only works with MyFritz Domains only. It probably don't will work on subdomains).
Best I think is having a domain, CNAMEing it to a DynDNS service (provider) which will be updated by DDNS service of the Fritzbox.
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