DropIT für Synology bzw. Dateien automatisch verschieben


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06. Dez 2020
Punkte für Reaktionen
Hallo zusammen,

ich arbeite schon lang Papierlos, bisher war meine Routine wie folgt:

1. Scan per ScanSnap -> direkte Umwandlung in OCR
2. Benennung des Scans per Dateinamen: "Rechnung_Foto_August2021" oder "Arbeit_Bernhard_YD_August2021" etc.

Die Dateien gingen alle in einen Input Ordner - DropIt erkannte es und sortierte in die passenden Unterordner ein.

Nun suche ich das ganze automatisiert für die NAS.

Sprich ich würde gerne direkt auf die Nas Scannen (so kann ich auch von Unterwegs OCR's per Scan App aufs Synology übertragen) und hier wird dann automatisch in die richtigen Ordner verschoben.


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04. Jan 2012
Punkte für Reaktionen
Dann wäre synOCR vielleicht etwas für dich.
Das lässt OCR auf PDFs anwenden und du kannst über eine YAML-Datei Regeln für die Umbenennung und Einsortierung erstellen.


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Mitglied seit
04. Jan 2012
Punkte für Reaktionen
Du kannst dir eine Beispielregeldatei erstellen lassen. Guck dir das mal an. Die Regeldatei musst du in einem normalen Texteditor editieren (am besten gleich der Texteditor im DSM).

# synOCR_YAMLRULEFILE   # please keep this line

    #                                                                                   #
    #                   IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO READ THIS MANUAL                        #
    #                                                                                   #
    #   - it is very necessary to include the correct indentations                      #
    #       • don't use tapstops!                                                       #
    #       • only use the exact count of spaces as shown in the example                #
    #   - Tip: copy & paste the sample block and then modify this                       #
    #   - don't use Windows line breaks!                                                #
    #                                                                                   #
    #   - below a description of the keywords:                                          #
    #       ? "sampletagrulename"                                                       #
    #           • "sampletagrulename" is a placeholder for an individual name           #
    #           • just to distinguish the rule                                          #
    #           • the name must be unique                                               #
    #           • a colon must be added at the end                                      #
    #           • each block like "sampletagrulename" defines ONE tag                   #
    #             and ONE action (move), if defined                                     #
    #       ? "tagname:"                                                                #
    #           • syntax: ???tagname: VALUE????  (one space between colon & VALUE)         #
    #           • VALUE is used as tag, if the rule is satisfied                        #
    #           • one keyword >tagname:< per rule                                       #
    #       ? "targetfolder:"                                                           #
    #           • optional / if not defined, the target folder is used                  #
    #           • syntax: >targetfolder: VALUE<  (one space between colon & VALUE)      #
    #           • VALUE is path, if the rule is satisfied                               #
    #           • it can be an absolute path (/volume1/…)                               #
    #           • if it is not an absolute path, it will be created                     #
    #             relative to the destination folder                                    #
    #           • one keyword >targetfolder:< per rule                                  #
    #       ? "condition:"                                                              #
    #           • syntax: >condition: VALUE<  (one space between colon & VALUE)         #
    #           • VALUE is "all" or "any" or "none"                                     #
    #               ? "condition: all"  ? all rules must be satisfied                   #
    #               ? "condition: any"  ? any rule must be satisfied                    #
    #               ? "condition: none" ? no rule is satisfied                          #
    #           • one keyword >condition:< per rule                                     #
    #       ? "tagname_RegEx:" (optional)                                               #
    #           • syntax: >tagname_RegEx: RegEx<  (one space between colon & RegEx)     #
    #       ? "subrules:"                                                               #
    #           • after this, the searchrules are described (don't modify "subrules:")  #
    #           • a subrule block always consists of the following four keys            #
    #           • an unlimited number of subrule blocks can be combined                 #
    #       ? "searchstring:"                                                           #
    #           • syntax: >- searchstring: VALUE<                                       #
    #             begins with a hyphen and a space                                      #
    #             one space between colon & VALUE                                       #
    #           • VALUE is a string, keyword or RegEx                                   #
    #       ? "searchtyp:"                                                              #
    #           • syntax: >searchtyp: VALUE<  (one space between colon & VALUE)         #
    #           • VALUE can be: "contains", "does not contain",                         #   irgendwo enthalten
    #                           "is", "is not"                                          #   Wortfolge
    #                           "starts with", "does not starts with",                  #
    #                           "ends with", "does not ends with",                      #
    #       ? "isRegEx:"                                                                #
    #           • defines "searchstring" as text or RegEx                               #
    #           • syntax: >isRegEx: VALUE<  (one space between colon & VALUE)           #
    #           • VALUE can be: "true" or "false"                                       #
    #       ? "source:"                                                                 #
    #           • syntax: >source: VALUE<  (one space between colon & VALUE)            #
    #           • VALUE can be: "content" or "filename"                                 #
    #       ? "casesensitive:"                                                          #
    #           • syntax: >casesensitive: VALUE<  (one space between colon & VALUE)     #
    #           • VALUE can be: "true" or "false"                                       #
    #           • if the parameter is missing, "false" is used.                         #
    #                                                                                   #
    #   - finaly, you can check and validate your config file on:                       #
    #       https://codebeautify.org/yaml-validator                                     #
    #                                                                                   #

    tagname: "ForumTest"
    targetfolder: ""
    # wieviel Subrules müssen erfüllt sein, damit die Regel greift:
    condition: any
    tagname_RegEx: "HUK[[:digit:]]{2}"
    - searchstring: Suchwort
      searchtyp: contains
      isRegEx: false
      #is | is not | contains | does not contain | starts with | does not starts with | ends with | does not ends with | matches | does not match
      source: content
      casesensitive: true



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