Docker Calibre startet nicht mehr nach DSM reboot


Mitglied seit
25. Feb 2014
Punkte für Reaktionen
auf meiner DS920 läuft seit einigen Wochen störungsfrei das Calibre-Docker von technosoft2000. Heute musste ich die Diskstation neu booten, und jetzt startet das Calibre-Docker nicht mehr.
Wird jemand schlau aus dem Fehlerlog?
Vielen Dank.

date    stream    content
2021-02-12 13:47:07    stderr    SyntaxError: invalid syntax
2021-02-12 13:47:07    stderr                                            ^
2021-02-12 13:47:07    stderr        and os.path.exists(f"{py_script}.exe")
2021-02-12 13:47:07    stderr      File "/calibre-web/app/cps/", line 159
2021-02-12 13:47:07    stderr        from .server import WebServer
2021-02-12 13:47:07    stderr      File "/calibre-web/app/cps/", line 38, in <module>
2021-02-12 13:47:07    stderr        from cps import create_app
2021-02-12 13:47:07    stderr      File "/calibre-web/app/", line 34, in <module>
2021-02-12 13:47:07    stderr    Traceback (most recent call last):
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] Launching Calibre-Web ...
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > change the ownership of /calibre-web/app/vendor/kindlegen to calibre:calibre
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr    ln: failed to create symbolic link '/calibre-web/app/vendor/kindlegen': File exists
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > create kindlegen link /calibre-web/app/vendor/kindlegen assigned to source /calibre-web/kindlegen/kindlegen
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] kindlegen (Amazon Kindle Generator) will be linked into /calibre-web/app/vendor
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] Change the ownership of /calibre-web/kindlegen (including subfolders) to calibre:calibre
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr    tar: Child returned status 2
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr    gzip: invalid magic
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr    tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr    tar (child): At beginning of tape, quitting now
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr    tar (child): /calibre-web/kindlegen/: Cannot read: Is a directory
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] Extracting  into directory: /calibre-web/kindlegen
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr    Try `wget --help' for more options.
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr  
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr    Usage: wget [OPTION]... [URL]...
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr    wget: missing URL
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] Downloading kindlegen from  into directory: /calibre-web/kindlegen/
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] The kindlegen directory exist already and will be used: /calibre-web/kindlegen
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] The mapped volume for /books contains a Calibre database file 'metadata.db' which will be used
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > The user calibre:1029 is the owner and has write access at /books
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Using permissions for checks: 0700
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Assigned owner ID: 1029
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Assigned owner: calibre
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Assigned group ID: 100
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Assigned group: users
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Permissions: 700
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Output is: 700 users 100 calibre 1029
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] Checking permissions of the books directory: /books
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > change the ownership of /calibre-web/app/gdrive.db to calibre:calibre
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr    ln: failed to create symbolic link '/calibre-web/app/gdrive.db': File exists
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > create 'gdrive.db' link /calibre-web/app/gdrive.db assigned to source /books/gdrive.db
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > change the ownership of /calibre-web/app/app.db to calibre:calibre
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stderr    ln: failed to create symbolic link '/calibre-web/app/app.db': File exists
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > create 'app.db' link /calibre-web/app/app.db assigned to source /books/app.db
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] 'app.db' and 'gdrive.db' will be linked into /books
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > The user calibre:1029 is the owner and has write access at /books
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Using permissions for checks: 0700
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Assigned owner ID: 1029
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Assigned owner: calibre
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Assigned group ID: 100
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Assigned group: users
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Permissions: 700
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > Output is: 700 users 100 calibre 1029
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] Checking permissions of the config directory: /books
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    > due this the Calibre books directory /books will be used to store the configuration
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] Config directory option is DEACTIVATED
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    3c1b06872d9639c5ea52721049992ebb6272a283
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    nothing to commit, working tree clean
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout  
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    On branch master
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] ... git status after update is
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    Already up to date.
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    [INFO] ... pulling sources
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    3c1b06872d9639c5ea52721049992ebb6272a283
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    nothing to commit, working tree clean
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout  
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.
2021-02-12 13:47:06    stdout    On branch master
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [INFO] ... current git status is
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [INFO] Autoupdate is active, try to pull the latest sources for Calibre-Web ...
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [INFO] Checkout the latest Calibre-Web version ...
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    git version 2.24.1
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [INFO] Current git version is:
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [INFO] Change the ownership of /calibre-web (including subfolders) to calibre:calibre
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [INFO] Container timezone is changed to: Europe/Vienna
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    Fri Feb 12 14:47:05 CET 2021
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [INFO] Current active timezone is CET
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    usermod: no changes
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [WARNING] Assign non-unique user id 1029 to created user calibre
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stderr    adduser: user 'calibre' in use
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [WARNING] Create user calibre with temporary user id 999.
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [WARNING] A user with id 1029 exists already [in use by calibre].
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [WARNING] The group calibre will be renamed to calibre
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [WARNING] A group with id 65537 exists already [in use by calibre] and will be modified.
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [INFO] Alpine Linux version: 3.11.5
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    [INFO] Docker image version: 1.4.0
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout                                              
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout          ~~~~~         Calibre Web       ~~~~~
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout        
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout          PRESENTS ANOTHER AWESOME DOCKER IMAGE
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout  
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout                            `---'                  
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout                            ;   | .'      '--'      
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout        '---'      `--'---' |   :    .'   ;  |,'    
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout        ;   |.'  '--'.     /./__;      :  '  : |--'
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout        '   :  |  /  /`--'  / /  /  /.`|  |  | ' \ \
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout        |   |  '   __ \  \  |  ;  /  /-,  '  : |. \
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout        '   :  ;   `----.   \   /  ;  /   |  |   \  
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    `----'  |  |  \  \    `.  `----'/  ;  '  |  :  
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    ;    |.';  ; |  :  ;_     ;    |.'  / |  '  /  
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    |    :     | ;  |  |--`   |    :  .  ;:  : ' /  
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout    .'___,/    ,'|  :  /`. /  ,----,'    |,--. :/ |
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout      ;    ;     //  /    '.    .'   .' \   ,--/ /|
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout        ,`   .'  : .--.--.        ,----,        ,-.
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout          ,/   .`|                                  
2021-02-12 13:47:05    stdout            ,----,



Sehr erfahren
Mitglied seit
12. Apr 2016
Punkte für Reaktionen
Schonmal versucht das Image zu aktualisieren und "Inhalt löschen" auf den (gestoppten!) kaputten Container anzuwenden, damit die DS den Container auf Basis des alten Images wegwirft und einen neuen Container auf Basis des neuen Images erzeugt?

Falls das nicht hilft: liegt '/calibre-web/app/vendor/kindlegen' zufällig in einem Volume?

... und zu guter Letzt: argh schon wieder jemand der Container als "Docker" bezeichnet.


Mitglied seit
25. Feb 2014
Punkte für Reaktionen

Ähm, ich finde kein Verzeichnis /calibre-web mehr?
Sollte das nicht ein Unterordner von /docker/ sein? Kurze Panik, der kann doch nicht einfach verschwinden....


Mitglied seit
25. Feb 2014
Punkte für Reaktionen
Nachdem das Inhalte löschen, Löschen und neu estellen eines Containers nichts gebracht hat, habe ich auch das Abbild gelöscht und neu geholt.
Jetzt wurde eine aktuellere Version installiert und es läuft wieder. Mal schauen, wie lange........



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