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    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2: IP doesn't update

    Thank you very much for this help. It's now working great!!!!
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    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2: IP doesn't update

    Thank you for all of the help. As I susspected, problem is with hostname @,@ that gets pulled when in automatic mode. If I use original URL from first log file, I get following error: SETDNSHOSTeng1No Records updated. A record not Found;1380091No updates; A record not Found;true But if I...
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    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2: IP doesn't update

    Yes, there is a difference in the log. When update is forced, it sends correct hostname: 2016-02-02 21:48:38 DEBUG : -------------- 2016-02-02 21:48:39 DEBUG : Force update of @ by user! 2016-02-02 21:48:39 DEBUG : computed vars: 2016-02-02 21:48:39 DEBUG : host: @ - id: 2, last update...
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    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2: IP doesn't update

    Hi! Thank you for your answer. I'm trying to update domain.tld - so I used both here and in their DNS record @ - but if you look at the URL DDNS Updater generates, it changes @ to @,@ : %2Fupdate%3Fhost%3D%40%2C%40%26ip%3D /update?host=@,@&ip=domain.tld OK - I'll try to leave host name...
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    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2: IP doesn't update

    Hi! I appologize for the english. I have a problem with DDNS Updater v2. I have couple of domains with Namchead DNS service enabled. Everyday when IP address changes, DDNS Updater fails to update them. all hosts are configured in namcheap as @ + (@ as host and domain is one of the...
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