
  1. H

    DDNS Updater DDNS updater

    Hi QTip. Did you get the file and are you able to read it? // Henrik
  2. H

    DDNS Updater DDNS updater

    Answer this is the file
  3. H

    DDNS Updater DDNS updater

    2014/03/30 21:29:45 FAILED : updating xxYYYYYY: Could not connect to 2014/03/30 21:29:45 WARNING : cannot send to (Bad file descriptor). 2014/03/30 21:29:44 INFO : service started
  4. H

    DDNS Updater DDNS updater

    Please see attached picture
  5. H

    DDNS Updater DDNS updater

    Thx. Thank you - I see :-) By the way - how can I see that the server accepts this URL call - and I'm okay ? Nothing is being shown as a "OK" it's working. By the way QTip. Nice initiative - wonderfull idea this app.
  6. H

    DDNS Updater DDNS updater

    Why do I have to enter IP when using the I belived that this module's purpose was to tell gratisdns (or other DNS server) which IP is the current one to if it change it will be told automatically to a DNS server. Or have I missed something here ? thanks ! Henrik J. Koch
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