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    Z-Push 2.2 final version (build 1934) als SPK?

    Thx Tosoboso ! Already installed and testing, seems to be ok ;-) Can't configure MS Outlook 2016 for Mac but this is problem of MS Outlook 2016, with 2013 version is working perfectly, probably 2016 ver doesn't support ActiveSync ;-(
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    Z-Push 2.2 final version (build 1934) als SPK?

    I have check it with Outlook 2013 and it's working fine.
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    Z-Push 2.2 final version (build 1934) als SPK?

    Hi do you know if Outlook can work with ActiveSync after this update to Z-Push_2.2.4 ? In release note for 2.2.2 ver there is information ZP-604 is this mean that should work ? and I assume also in 2.2.4 as it is next version Changes since Z-Push 2.2.1 General [ZP-451] - Mobile sending a...
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    Z-Push 2.2 final version (build 1934) als SPK?

    Done it is working now !!! What you have to do - after installation of spk made by TosoBoso you must change utils.php file that is located in /volume1/web/z-push/lib/utils what you have to change in line 890 you have : public static function FixFileOwner($file) {...
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    Z-Push 2.2 final version (build 1934) als SPK?

    2.1.3 bereits korrigierte ich die Post war ein Fehler
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    Z-Push 2.2 final version (build 1934) als SPK?

    mit version Z-Push_2.2.4-1.spk Fatal error: Call to undefined function posix_getuid() in /volume2/web/z-push/lib/utils/utils.php on line 890 wenn ich es zu testen, nachdem Update mit version Z-Push_2.1.3-0.spk es funktioniert gut Z-Push - Open...
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    ZWS/EWS Unterstützung schon möglich?

    Hello, please can you help me and answer when EWS service will be integrated in Synology Packages ? I know that Zarafa has released Zarafa Web Services that support EWS that allow to configure iMail on Mac OS but there is no support on Synology. Please be so kind to answer if this is generally...
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    DSM5 final und Zarafa

    Hello Jdo2002, Thank you for helping me. reagrds Radek
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    DSM5 final und Zarafa

    I have the same problem with attachments Tue Mar 11 23:16:30 2014: [ 8012] Sending e-mail for user radoslaw, subject: 'Test za??czników', size: 2714 Tue Mar 11 23:16:30 2014: [ 8012] Could not open data of attachment 0. Error: 0x8004010F Tue Mar 11 23:16:30 2014: [ 8012] Could not open data of...
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    DSM 5.0 final und Perl 5.18.1-0007

    Can you tell me what to do to upgrade Perl correctly ? I have unpacked attached file but then don't undarstand what is next ? Zarafa Administration is not displaying errot but Sorry the page doesn't exist, standard form page form Synology ... Thanks Radek
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    DSM5 final und Zarafa

    Hello, can you help me to solve my probelm ? After upgrade of DSM and correctly installed new Zarafa packages 0.5.3 and Z-Push 2.1.1-1 emails are not delivered to WebApp, Icant see them. What is strange new emails after upgrade are visible in Rouncube Mail Station. What is the problem ? Thank...
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