Synology Photos Update Synology Photo 1.0.0-0190


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10. Okt 2018
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Gerade ist bei mir ein Update von Synology Photos aufgeschlagen:

Version: 1.0.0-0190​


Important note​

Synology Photos 1.0.0-0190 is updated on July 20 to fix issues including the migration of facial recognition results might not be completed successfully.

Compatibility and Installation​

  1. Synology Photos is compatible with DSM 7.0 and above.
  2. If Node.js v12, Synology Application Service, and Advanced Media Extensions were not installed, the system will automatically install them after the update to ensure package functionality.
  3. The mobile apps DS photo and Moments are not compatible with Synology Photos. If you would like to use Synology Photos on your mobile devices, please install the iOS/Android apps.

What's New​

  1. Synology Photos is a next-generation photo management package with rich organizing features and a fresh interface.
  2. Supports displaying photos and videos in chronological order or by folder structure.
  3. Supports the Quick Filter feature that searches for specific photos according to set conditions.
  4. Supports automatically creating albums based on facial recognition results, geolocations, tags, videos, and recently added photos.
  5. Supports conditional albums that automatically add matching photos according to set conditions.
  6. Supports customizable album sharing features, including public sharing options and permissions that allow selected users to view, download, or add photos.
  7. Supports protecting public share links with passwords and expiration dates.
  8. Supports generating thumbnails via web browsers to reduce server load during photo uploads.
  9. Supports editing the date, time, description, and tags of photos.
  10. Supports customizable permission settings of Shared Space folders.
  11. Supports the exclusion of uploading and displaying specified file extensions.
  12. Supports backing up and restoring the package via Hyper Backup.
  13. Enhanced the overall photo index and display performance of Photo Station and Synology Moments.
  14. To learn more, please refer to the technical specifications.

Bug fixed​

  1. Fixed an issue where the migration of facial recognition results might not be completed successfully.
  2. Fixed an issue where Live Photos cannot be moved from Personal Space to Shared Space.
  3. Fixed an issue where photos containing merged people cannot be moved from Personal Space to Shared Space.
  4. Fixed an issue where certain facial recognition results might not be displayed.
  5. Fixed an issue where certain H.264 videos cannot be played.
  6. Enhanced the performance of removing photos in the People album.
  7. Fixed an issue where the recognition of certain locations in Denmark might be slightly offset.

Known Issues and Limitations​

  1. Please refer to this article for the differences between Synology Photos, Photo Station, and Synology Moments.
  2. Facial recognition is only supported on certain models. Please refer to this article for the full list.
  3. Synology Photos does not support Synology Photo Station Uploader.
  4. Synology Photos does not support the DAT video format.
  5. After updating to DSM 7.0, Hyper Backup tasks that include Synology Moments and Photo Station will no longer back up the two packages. Please set the original tasks to back up Synology Photos instead.
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Reaktionen: FredB und D_Espero


Mitglied seit
19. Mai 2012
Punkte für Reaktionen
Dieses Update hat bei mir die Portweiterleitung für Synology Photos in der Syno-Firewall deaktiviert. Wahrscheinlich weil das Paket derzeit nicht als integrierte Anwendung hinterlegt ist?!



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