Syslog einstellungen für zigbee2mqtt


Mitglied seit
17. Mai 2020
Punkte für Reaktionen
Schönen guten Abend,

bräuchte wiedermal eure Hilfe.

Habe auf einem Proxmox einen LXC Container laufen in welchen Zigbee2mqtt läuft.
Heute ist mir das komplett abgestürtzt und ich hatte keine Logs.
Aus diesem grund wäre es schön, wenn Synology das Protokollcenter das loggen kann.
Proxmox IP Zigbee IP synology IP
Laut webseite gibt es folgende Einstellungen:

  # Optional: Logging level, options: debug, info, warn, error (default: info)
  log_level: info
  # Optional: log timestamp format (default: shown below)
  timestamp_format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'
  # Optional: Location of log directory (default: shown below)
  log_directory: data/log/%TIMESTAMP%
  # Optional: Log file name, can also contain timestamp, e.g.: zigbee2mqtt_%TIMESTAMP%.log (default: shown below)
  log_file: log.txt
  # Optional: Rotate log every 10MB around 3 files (default: true)
  log_rotation: true
  # Optional: Output location of the log (default: shown below), leave empty to suppress logging (log_output: [])
  # possible options: 'console', 'file', 'syslog'
    - console
    - file
  # Create a symlink called "current" in the log directory which points to the latests log directory. (default: false)
  log_symlink_current: false
  # Optional: syslog configuration, skip values or entirely to use defaults. Only use when 'syslog' in 'log_output' (see above)
    host: localhost # The host running syslogd, defaults to localhost.
    port: 514 # The port on the host that syslog is running on, defaults to syslogd's default port.
    protocol: udp4 # The network protocol to log over (e.g. tcp4, udp4, tls4, unix, unix-connect, etc).
    path: /dev/log # The path to the syslog dgram socket (i.e. /dev/log or /var/run/syslog for OS X).
    pid: # PID of the process that log messages are coming from (Default
    facility: local0 # Syslog facility to use (Default: local0).
    localhost: localhost # Host to indicate that log messages are coming from (Default: localhost).
    type: "5424" # The type of the syslog protocol to use (Default: BSD, also valid: 5424).
    app_name: Zigbee2MQTT # The name of the application (Default: Zigbee2MQTT).
    eol: '\n' # The end of line character to be added to the end of the message (Default: Message without modifications).

  homeassistant_legacy_entity_attributes: false
  legacy_api: false
  legacy_availability_payload: false
  log_level: info
  log_file: log.txt
    - file
    - syslog
    host: # The host running syslogd, defaults to localhost.
    port: 514 # The port on the host that syslog is running on, defaults to syslogd's default port.
    protocol: udp4 # The network protocol to log over (e.g. tcp4, udp4, tls4, unix, unix-connect, etc).
    pid: # PID of the process that log messages are coming from (Default
    type: "BSD" # The type of the syslog protocol to use (Default: BSD, also valid: 5424).
    app_name: Zigbee2MQTT # The name of the application (Default: Zigbee2MQTT).
    eol: '\n' # The end of line character to be added to the end of the message (Default: Message without modifications).



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