
  1. Ricyx

    [GUIDE] Hack/Mod Synology DSM for DS110J to DS112J (but you can use the same guide for other models)

    However, I have now sold it for educational purposes and these devices are still fine for learning to program or do something basic
  2. Ricyx

    [GUIDE] Hack/Mod Synology DSM for DS110J to DS112J (but you can use the same guide for other models)

    hi to all, sorry for late reply but i don't have too much time in this period, for your problem, install/restore the base OS (i specify 300mb file) and try to install update 9 (is not too much important because DSM 6 overwrite all system) same problem like up, before all install DSM base file...
  3. Ricyx

    [GUIDE] Hack/Mod Synology DSM for DS110J to DS112J (but you can use the same guide for other models)

    I haven't tested it thoroughly and I haven't put it under stress, but the average is around 40°C, keep in mind that to lighten the work on the CPU I have inserted a 2.5" SSD (less consumption and less stress with greater dissipation )
  4. Ricyx

    [GUIDE] Hack/Mod Synology DSM for DS110J to DS112J (but you can use the same guide for other models)

    i see the medium cpu work on 70% because the DSM porting is base on 1Ghz CPU and we have a 800mhz, i presume work better in cold condition with heatstink.
  5. Ricyx

    [GUIDE] Hack/Mod Synology DSM for DS110J to DS112J (but you can use the same guide for other models)

    my guide is a universal guide, i specify the device because i've do with this. if you have hardware compatible in list with a device with DSM 7.1 update you can do it! for my device the best and the last is 6.2.4 update 7 and for my use is the best (i use for my own cloud with Nextcloud app)...
  6. Ricyx

    [GUIDE] Hack/Mod Synology DSM for DS110J to DS112J (but you can use the same guide for other models)

    Tips & Trick: to increase the potential of the porting it would be ideal to: Use SSD Disable some services (such as "universal search") Activate e-sata port Correct HDD-BAY How to disable Universal Search: open putty (follow from step 3 to 4) if don't work or return back the message "access...
  7. Ricyx

    [GUIDE] Hack/Mod Synology DSM for DS110J to DS112J (but you can use the same guide for other models)

    now here i explain the hard part: 10. restart che synology and check if all is ok (DSM, MODEL etc) if all is ok and no orange led status you can continue, otherwise you do repeat from step 1 11. open synology and extract the HDD/SSD , insert in HDD BOX or SATA STATION and connect to pc 12. go...
  8. Ricyx

    DS110j zu DS112j i make a guide
  9. Ricyx

    [GUIDE] Hack/Mod Synology DSM for DS110J to DS112J (but you can use the same guide for other models)

    ATTENTION: before starting to do the guide you must READ it and understand what you are doing however precise it may be, problems may arise outside of it that I do not know about, therefore I do not assume any responsibility for damages caused by following the guide or part of it it, mine just...
  10. Ricyx

    DS110j zu DS112j

    ok guys i've solved all, after many night and hour i make my own guide and i post for all here at the next post now i'm on 6.2.4 update 7 and all work great! to lighten the efforts to the Synology I have inserted a 240GB SSD for the moment.
  11. Ricyx

    DS110j zu DS112j

    DSM 5.2 5967
  12. Ricyx

    DS110j zu DS112j

    in attachment the 2nd attempt
  13. Ricyx

    DS110j zu DS112j

    can you make a video or make a foto step by step, because i've edit with hex (HxD) and i've save: 1. i've tried to edit .pat but return back incompatible 2. i've tried to edit VERSION file but return back corrupt or damage file i don't know what is wrong! in attachment photo i've add step by...
  14. Ricyx

    DS110j zu DS112j

    ok now i've edit synoinfo file i try to update with a modded .pat but return back error INCOMPATIBLE UPDATE i've restart and Synology Assistant ask to me to reinstall OS, i've tried to get 112j .pat called 110j.pat but always incompatible update what can i do?! sorry for the disturb
  15. Ricyx

    DS110j zu DS112j

    my problem was that i had no way to access via ssh because there was no system installed in the diskstation, now i managed to recover the old 5.2 software via (bless that site) To whom it may be useful, here is the link: DSM 5.2 now i just finished update 9 and i see if i can modify...
  16. Ricyx

    DS110j zu DS112j

    sorry but i can't find that file /etc.defaults/synoinfo.conf where is? in .pat file i've only VERSION file
  17. Ricyx

    DS110j zu DS112j

    hello to all the forum, I have a ds110 like yours and I've been trying to install the dsm of the 112j on a new hard disk for 2 days (therefore starting from 0). I followed the user guide by changing the filename from 112j to 110j, the installation starts but says incompatible. then I tried to...
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