DDNS Updater Synology's own DDNS Service Info & Protocols ?

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23. Jun 2017
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I am new here, so please forgive if this is a basic question, and please forgive my use of English....

I came across DDNS Updater 2 when searching for a possible solution to my needs – I'm hoping the package can help!

I am using Synology's own DDNS service with a Diskstation.Me address....All is working OK with the DDNS service and I am happy with Synology's DDNS....However, I need to UPDATE my DDNS register more regular than what the DSM on one of my NAS does by default, as my ISP changes the external IP address of one of my NAS units during the evening, which is when I have automated backups to run between NAS units....I think the defaut refresh in DSM is once every 24hrs...? I would like it to be often.

I was hoping I could add the Synology DDNS to Updater 2 and have it update the register more regular...Is this possible?

The Synology DDNS is not included in the standard DDNS providers in Updater 2 and I cannot find any details of any Query URL or protocols etc that would be needed to set up a new/custom service in Updater 2 ....?

Can anybody help with this...?

Many thanks in advance!



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Mitglied seit
06. Apr 2013
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The refresh usually is somewhere between 3-5 minutes to check for new external IPs.
So maybe the service has a problem with actually detecting your new external IP, otherwise i do not know how you would come to assume that it is a 24hrs cycle.

Synology DDNS can only be used by synologys own service tool.
If you want to use DDNS updater 2 i suggest you choose anothe dynDNS provider.


Mitglied seit
23. Jun 2017
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Hi –*thanks for the reply, appreciated.

OK, I didn't realise the system checks the external IP at 3-5 mins intervals....I based my assumption of 24hrs on what is displayed in the Control Panel–External Access–DDNS ....The Synology Service is listed, with Status Normal etc and indicates the last refresh time –*If I then hover over the Update Now button, it indicates that the Next Refresh Time is exactly 24hrs after the dispalyed last refresh time......which made me conclude it was a 24hr cycle...?

If it IS really 3-5mins refreshing to the Synology DDNS register, then I should really have no problem.....But I know yesterday my Hyper Backup routines failed due to the remote NAS having it's external IP changed by it's ISP and the change had not been refelcted in the DDNS I have with Synology –*once I updated the DDNS and external IP details, all was fine......Perhaps it was a isolated error, but my worry was that it is going to happen regularly if the Synology register was not being updated frequently enough.....

A shame Synology DDNS can only be used by itself and access by other services.....

Again, thanks for the help and advice....


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Mitglied seit
06. Apr 2013
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Sorry, took some time to find a Synology where i still had the synology.me running. And you are right about the mouse-over tooltip with the 24hrs timestamp being mentioned.
So to be honest i am not sure anymore. My assumption was based on the beartbeat feature where i am notified within a minute or so after the DS becomes unavailable. But of course it is not really valid to conclude from the web-service at synology detecting the availability of a DS to the DS itself recognizing a new IP and to update the DDNS record accordingly. Unfortunately i do not have a DNS Server setup within that network to check the DNS lookups for the ip-check servers.
And in my local net where i have one setup i do not run synology-ddns.

If it really is 24hrs i wonder why they care to call ist DDNS, not worth the name.

In that case i stand with my recommendation to use another service provider for dynDNS.
Lately i am running with dynv6.com, spdns.de or my Strato account.
But there are many others out there (check ddns updater 2 or your router for supported services)


Mitglied seit
23. Jun 2017
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Apologies for my late reply...

Indeed you are correct re the Heartbeat time interval – I have a DS1817+ acting as CMS host for a remote RS816 and yes, if the connection is broken I normally receive an alert within 1-2 mins, if not quicker.....

If their DDNS register update was to act as quickly, that would be great.....But I still don't know for sure really. The external IP wasn't changed by the ISP for 2-3 days, so no real test, but it does seem to have changed yesterday sometime – the DDNS has been auto updated, so my Hyper Backups all went smoothly in the night.....I just don't don't know when the IP changed and when the DDNS register was updated by the DSM...!

I will just have to see how it goes. I was either just unlucky with timing the first time when the IP changed and the register hadn't been updated or it is going to keep happening from time to time.....

As you correctly say, if the auto update of the register is as much as 24hrs (as seems to be implied in the DSM window), it's hardly worth calling a DDNS service.....

To be honest, I find the whole DDNS situation a headache and something of a slipperly slope....Have a thought to just avoid it all and o the job properly by getting (paying) for proper fixed IPs from the ISP......

Thanks again,


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Mitglied seit
06. Apr 2013
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Well, if you use another dynDNS Provider as well together with the DDNS Updater 2 package from the community there is a variable and known period for the checks. Usually not below 3-5 minutes depending on what the provider allows / deems abusive (regarding server load).

Regarding your IP update.
Can't you check your router logs to see when it received a new IP?
Also the DSM should log the last successful update in the system logs within the protocoll center, but i have not confirmed this myself.
So in theory it should be possible to determine the delay between the two.
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