
  1. Y

    Init_3rdparty Skript und Sammlung von 3rd-Party Erweiterungen

    ssh: connect to host *********** port 22: Connection refused I probably didn't unable ssh before, what can I do now?
  2. Y

    Init_3rdparty Skript und Sammlung von 3rd-Party Erweiterungen

    I used the package interface to install Init 3rdparty, therefore, I didn't use terminal to install it. I'm on the latest DSM DSM 4.2 3236 DS112J I'm looking into how to fix the problem so I can back to web interface.
  3. Y

    Init_3rdparty Skript und Sammlung von 3rd-Party Erweiterungen

    Hello, I installed 3rd party package which is required to install other 3rd party. (I believe it changes some php info) But now I can not login the web interface. I can still login transmission though. Looks like only the web interface is not working. What should I do to restore the web...
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