
  1. D

    Growler - Ein GrowlServer für den DSM

    You can always uninstall new perl, and manually install old spk. That's what I did :)
  2. D

    Lost SHR volume - Progress, but need help

    Follow up. I think I did it!! I see my data :) DiskStation> mount /dev/vg1000/lv /mnt -o ro DiskStation> cd /mnt DiskStation> ls @appstore @database @download @iSCSITrg @spool @tmp Plex aquota.user downloads lost+found music...
  3. D

    Lost SHR volume - Progress, but need help

    I just did the following: DiskStation> vgchange -ay 1 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg1000" now active now lvdisplay says LV Status is active. Now to figure out what to do next. edit: Just did the following, but stuck again: DiskStation> lvdisplay /dev/vg1000 --- Logical volume ---...
  4. D

    Lost SHR volume - Progress, but need help

    I'm not sure I am understanding what your telling me to try :p But I don't think it will work because there are no sda5, sdb5, or sdc5 partitions on the disks. The only synology partitions present are sd[abc][1-2], which are the DSM partition and swap partition. Volume partition is wiped from...
  5. D

    Lost SHR volume - Progress, but need help

    I had already spoke with a guy from support. My NAS is in a virtual machine, so it's outside the scope of actual synology support. He was nice enough to take a look remotely on his own time, but didn't find anything. But I assume he didn't look too hard at it. This was long before Remy was...
  6. D

    Lost SHR volume - Progress, but need help

    Hello, I made an account here because english Synology forums doesn't have a data recovery section. So I'm hoping someone here understands english and can point me in the right direction. To make long story short, I was adding a new disk to a 3 disk SHR array, and at the start of adding disk it...
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