
  1. R

    getting kopano4s to work again

    Why stop clamav? It is working for 2 days now but not yet configured as it was. Still have to retrieve my phpmyadmin backup.
  2. R

    getting kopano4s to work again

    Hi, Kopano4S D-Core-8.7.16_Webapp-4.4_Z-Push-2.6.2 installed! Is this the beta version? Init refresh works well, kopano4s works but stops if you make configuration changes. Downgrade does not work from the cmd.line: "The migration script is designed for Supported/Community edition downgrade...
  3. R

    getting kopano4s to work again

    Hi, I returned a couple of days ago and found Kopano4s working that is to say Docker did not report of "No running container". Today I checked again and the container is not running. Package Center tells me that the Docker version is 18.09.0-519. I had uninstalled docker and kopano and...
  4. R

    getting kopano4s to work again

    Hi, At the suggestion of tosoboso I am posting my problem in this forum. I am writing in English as my German has suffered due to non-use. Over a year ago I my kopano4s was victim of malware which I tried to fix without success. At a certain moment kopano4s stopped working and I abandoned it...
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