
  1. D

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2: Cloudflare V2 API funktioniert nicht mehr

    I just got home today and gave the new file a try and these are the logs from today with proxied set to true or false. 2019/04/02 16:52:41 FAILED : updating emby, status: http:400 2019/04/02 16:52:41 WARNING : put for Plient::Protocol::HTTPS is not officially supported yet at...
  2. D

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2: Cloudflare V2 API funktioniert nicht mehr

    Thanks for the update. I haven't applied it yet, but I looked at the updates in the file and everything looks good. This is great work and I definitely appreiciate it.
  3. D

    DDNS Updater DDNS Updater 2: Cloudflare V2 API funktioniert nicht mehr

    I have this working on my system finally, but the proxy is being set to false and disconnects the secure cloudflare connection. Is there a way to have this set to true, so the DDNS updates the ip address on cloudflare and doesn't remove the proxy for cloudflare? Thanks again in advance! This...
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