Power LED blinkt, doch sonst alles i.O

Dani Düsentrieb

Mitglied seit
03. Jan 2008
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Hallo Zusammen,

ich bin etwas verunsichert, mein NAS lasse ich automatisch herunterfahren und starten und das klappt ohne Probleme. Heut morgen ist es wieder normal hochgefahren, allerdings blinkt das Power LED weiterhin. Die Erreichbarkeit ist gegeben per IP oder Adresse kann ich das NAS erreichen. Der DSM zeigt keine Fehler im Protokoll oder im Speicher Manager. Kurz gesagt gibt es eigentlich keine Probleme.

Wo könnte ich noch schauen? Hatte jemand schon mal so ein Verhalten?

Gruß Daniel


Mitglied seit
26. Feb 2018
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Hallo Daniel, hallo Gemeinde,

meine DS416+ zeigt auch dieses irritierende Verhalten eines blinkenden Power-LEDs, das ich leider schon einmal als "Blinking blue light of death" kennenlernen durfte. Damals war das Mainboard wohl im Eimer, das System kam gar nicht mehr hoch. Glücklicherweise war es noch in der Garantiezeit.

Jetzt stellt sich die Situation anders dar. In den letzten Monaten lief das System kontinuierlich durch. Trotz viel Internet-Recherche und Ausprobieren gelang es mir einfach nicht, das System dazu zu bringen in den Hibernation-Modus zu gehen. Mit einer älteren DSM-Version hatte das immer geklappt.

Also entschloss ich mich dazu, das NAS per automatischem Shutdown nachts schlafen zu legen (wie mich selbst auch). Das klappt eigentlich auch gut, lediglich ist's am Ende des Hochfahrens 'n bisschen lästig immer die PWe für verschlüsselte Filesysteme einzugeben. Der Startup selbst aber läuft problemlos, ratter ratter nebst blinkendem LED (hier noch normal), dann PIEP! und blaues LED-Dauerlicht. System ist bereit.

Nach einiger Laufzeit (Stunden) fängt die LED plötzlich an zu blinken. Bin noch nicht dahinter gekommen, was der Trigger dafür ist. Auf jeden Fall läuft das NAS ganz entspannt weiter; weder eine Fehlermeldung noch ein entsprechender Loggingeintrag.

Aber weil's halt blinkt, mach es mich aufgrund meiner schlechten Erfahrung einfach nervös.

Mich würde mal interessieren, wie sich das bei dir Daniel weiterentwickelt hat. Oder vielleicht hat ja auch jemand anders noch Erfahrungen in dieser Art gemacht.

Danke für sachdienliche Hinweise und Gruß,


Dani Düsentrieb

Mitglied seit
03. Jan 2008
Punkte für Reaktionen
Hi Tosch,

das das LED bei mir nach dem vollständigen Systemstart weiterhin geblickt hat, ist bisher nur dieses eine Mal vorgekommen. Nach einem Neustart über die Oberfläche war alles wieder normal.

Gruß Daniel


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13. Feb 2017
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Hier wärme ich zwar einen alten thread auf, aber blaues Blinken muß irgendwie nicht immer was Schwerwiegendes bedeuten. Meine 216+II blinkt seit über zwei Jahren langsam blau vor sich hin. Alle Tests übersteht sie problemlos, legt sich abends brav selbst schlafen und wacht morgens über WOL oder bei entsprechender Uhrzeit von selbst wieder auf. Ein Upgrade der Festplatten (von 2x2 TB auf 2x 4 TB) hat sie auch überstanden, keine Probleme. Daten speichern und abrufen - ohne Fehler. Das Einzige was irritieren könnte, ist das blaue Blinken; einen Grund hierfür habe ich bisher nicht gefunden, und Fehler produziert die Diskstation, wie gesagt, keine. Vielleicht liegt es an den 8 GB Speicher, die in der Spezifikation so nicht vorgesehen sind. Aber selbst die werden genutzt und verursachen ansonsten keine Probleme. Ein Neustart ändert nichts am Blinken.


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17. Dez 2014
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Gehe als "admin" mal auf die Konsole (SSH/Putty), logge dich zu root um (root -i) und setze folgenden Befehl ab:
echo 4 >/dev/ttyS1
Das Blinken sollte nun aufhören und die blaue LED leuchten. Wie schaut es dann nach einem Neustart aus?
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Reaktionen: Stationary


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13. Feb 2017
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Hallo Peter, vielen Dank für den Hinweis, das werde ich in den nächsten Tagen ausprobieren. Es geht leider nicht sofort, momentan kopiere ich gerade Daten von der 216+II auf die 720+. Da ich die 216+II aber danach weiterverwenden werde, ist diese mögliche Lösung natürlich von großem Interesse. Ich melde mich, wenn ich es ausprobiert habe.
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Reaktionen: peterhoffmann


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17. Dez 2014
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Es gibt übrigens noch mehr Funktionen:

echo 1 >/dev/ttyS1 # Immediate power off (NICHT EMPFEHLENSWERT!)
echo 2 >/dev/ttyS1 # Emit a short beep tone
echo 3 >/dev/ttyS1 # Emit a long beep sound
echo 4 >/dev/ttyS1 # Power LED on solid blue
echo 5 >/dev/ttyS1 # Power LED flashing blue
echo 6 >/dev/ttyS1 # Power LED off
echo 7 >/dev/ttyS1 # Status LED off
echo 8 >/dev/ttyS1 # Status LED on solid green
echo 9 >/dev/ttyS1 # Status LED flashing green.
echo A >/dev/ttyS1 # USBCopy LED flashing green
echo @ >/dev/ttyS1 # USBCopy LED on solid green
echo B >/dev/ttyS1 # USBCopy LED off
echo C >/dev/ttyS1 # Immediate reset (NICHT EMPFEHLENSWERT!)
echo : >/dev/ttyS1 # Status LED on solid amber
echo ; >/dev/ttyS1 # Status LED flashing amber
1 und C solltest du nicht ausprobieren. o_O;)

Der Rest ist eher harmlos. Ich habe das früher mal genutzt um die LEDs, speziell die eklige blaue LED, abzuschalten. Zwischenzeitlich hat man ja im DSM die Möglichkeit die LEDs zu dimmen bzw. alle abzuschalten.
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Reaktionen: Stationary


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13. Feb 2017
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Bei mir steht die DS unter einem Schrank nicht sichtbar und alle LEDs sind gedimmt. Ist aber trotzdem interessant zu wissen, was da alles geht.


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17. Dez 2014
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Falls die DS nach einem Neustart wieder anfängt zu blinken, könntest du als Workaround im Aufgabenplaner folgendes Script beim Hochfahren einstellen:
sleep 30
echo 4 >/dev/ttyS1
Bei jedem Neustart wird dann dieses Script einmal gestartet. Durch den Sleep-Befehl wartet es 30 Sekunden (um dem NAS beim Start Zeit zu geben) und dann wird die blaue LED auf durchweg leuchten geschaltet. Wenn du beim Echo-Befehl statt der "4" eine "6" einsetzt, wird die blaue LED abgeschaltet.


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13. Feb 2017
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Weißt Du eigentlich einen guten Grund, warum eine ansonsten einwandfrei laufende Diskstation blinkt? Das hat sie irgendwann mal angefangen, ich meine nach einem Update, aber es ist eben nicht das "blaue Blinken des Todes".


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27. Sep 2008
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Ich denke auch, dass es blau blinkt, weil die DS aus irgendeinem Grund mit dem Boot-Vorgang nicht richtig fertig wird. Da hilft es nichts, das mit irgendwelchen Hacks austricksen zu wollen, um die LED manuell zu setzen.
Poste mal das Ende von /var/log/messages direkt nach deinem Bootvorgang, wenn das Blinken bereits beendet sein müsste. Vielleicht liefert ja das Aufschlüsse. Laufen alle Pakete, die laufen sollten? Hast du kurz vor dieser Beobachtung da noch was verändert/installiert?

Hast du mal im Handbuch nachgeschaut, was das Blinken bedeutet. Das ist nicht bei allen DSen gleich.
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Reaktionen: Stationary


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13. Feb 2017
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Dem Handbuch nach wäre das blaue Blinken Boot up/Shut down. Das tut die Diskstation aber natürlich dann gerade nicht - sie läuft ja über mehrere Stunden, bis sie wieder automatisch herunterfährt.

/var/log/messages bekommt man über telnet, oder?


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Mitglied seit
27. Sep 2008
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Genau. Telnet oder ssh/putty. "cat /var/log/messages" -aber bitte zeitnah, wenn du das Gefühl hast, dass der Reboot abgeschlossen sein müsste. Es beept wohl auch nicht, oder?


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13. Feb 2017
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Nein, ein beep kommt keines. Wie gesagt, die DS fällt nicht negativ auf :)


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27. Sep 2008
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Normalerweise beept die DS kurz, wenn sie fertig ist, und das blinken hört auf. Vermutlich ist es irgendwas unwichtiges ziemlich man Ende - evtl ein Paket. Deshalb nochmal die Frage, hast du kurz vor dieser Beobachtung da noch was verändert/installiert? Kürzlich gab es hier mal den Fall, dass das Paket WebDAV-Server nicht hochkam.
Welche Pakete zeigen im Paket-Zentrum, Installiert als Button "Installiert" anstatt "Öffnen" oder "Ausführen" (bei einigen ist das normal, aber nicht bei allen)?
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


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13. Feb 2017
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Das beepen direkt nach dem Start habe ich im DSM abgeschaltet.
Das letzte StartUp log muss ich mehreren Teilen posten.

2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 0x000000007BFFE014 00024 (v02 INSYDE)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: XSDT 0x000000007BFFE120 00094 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 01000013)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 0x000000007BFFA000 0010C (v05 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 0x000000007BFE9000 0B0A1 (v02 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 0x000000007BFBB000 00040
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: UEFI 0x000000007BFFD000 00236 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: UEFI 0x000000007BFFB000 00042 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000000 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x000000007BFF9000 00084 (v03 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: MCFG 0x000000007BFF8000 0003C (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: SLIC 0x000000007BFF7000 00176 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: WDAT 0x000000007BFF6000 001C4 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: WDRT 0x000000007BFF5000 00047 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007BFE8000 00763 (v01 INSYDE CpuPm 00003000 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007BFE7000 00290 (v01 INSYDE Cpu0Tst 00003000 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007BFE6000 0017A (v01 INSYDE ApTst 00003000 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x000000007BFE5000 00084 (v03 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: FPDT 0x000000007BFE4000 00044 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000002 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: BGRT 0x000000007BFE3000 00038 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: BIOS bug: multiple APIC/MADT found, using 0
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: If "acpi_apic_instance=2" works better, notify linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Zone ranges:
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x00001000-0x00ffffff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] DMA32 [mem 0x01000000-0xffffffff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x100000000-0x27fffffff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00001000-0x0006efff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00070000-0x00085fff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00100000-0x7a4befff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x7bfff000-0x7bffffff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x100000000-0x27fffffff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 2045293
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Internal HD num: 2
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Internal netif num: 1
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Support HDD Hotplug.
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Sata Port Map: 21
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Disk Index Map: 0002
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Synology Hardware Version: DS216+II-j
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Vender format version: 2
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] SYNO GPIO hdd detect pin: 56 59 63 57
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] SYNO GPIO hdd enable pin: 61 60 71 58
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Serial Number: 1680O6N651107
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.073598] ENERGY_PERF_BIAS: Set to 'normal', was 'performance'
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.073598] ENERGY_PERF_BIAS: View and update with x86_energy_perf_policy(8)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.154390] ACPI: All ACPI Tables successfully acquired
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.416971] raid6: sse2x1 gen() 722 MB/s
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.437985] raid6: sse2x1 xor() 1712 MB/s
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.459031] raid6: sse2x2 gen() 1042 MB/s
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.480077] raid6: sse2x2 xor() 1964 MB/s
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.501160] raid6: sse2x4 gen() 1640 MB/s
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.522178] raid6: sse2x4 xor() 1833 MB/s
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.526950] raid6: using algorithm sse2x4 gen() (1640 MB/s)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.533179] raid6: .... xor() 1833 MB/s, rmw enabled
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.538727] raid6: using ssse3x2 recovery algorithm
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.596374] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007AEB1718 006B7 (v01 PmRef Cpu0Ist 00003000 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.606666] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.611167] ACPI: SSDT 0x0000000000000000 006B7 (v01 PmRef Cpu0Ist 00003000 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.620839] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007AEB0C18 003A5 (v01 PmRef Cpu0Cst 00003001 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.631110] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.635610] ACPI: SSDT 0x0000000000000000 003A5 (v01 PmRef Cpu0Cst 00003001 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.651394] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007AEB2E18 0015F (v01 PmRef ApIst 00003000 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.661717] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.666217] ACPI: SSDT 0x0000000000000000 0015F (v01 PmRef ApIst 00003000 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.679648] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007AEB9E18 0008D (v01 PmRef ApCst 00003000 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.689927] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.694426] ACPI: SSDT 0x0000000000000000 0008D (v01 PmRef ApCst 00003000 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 1.071381] ACPI: Enabled 6 GPEs in block 00 to 3F
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 4.431752] bounce pool size: 64 pages
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 4.445476] Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 15.215018] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 16.343985] ata1: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 16.426319] Delay 5 seconds to wait for disk 2 ready.
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 29.805477] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 30.985438] ata2: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 31.064717] Change defer qc mode on external port for compatibility
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 31.403431] ata3: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 320)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 31.409484] ata3: Disk is present for SATA link down event
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 32.511688] i8042: No controller found
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 32.540753] ACPI Warning: 0x0000000000003040-0x000000000000305F SystemIO conflicts with Region \_SB_.PCI0.SBUS.SMBI 1 (20130328/utaddress-249)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.295115] braswell_synobios: module license 'Synology Inc.' taints kernel.
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.303012] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.309750] ttyS1 - failed to request DMA
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.314380] 2020-12-5 7:30:47 UTC
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.322868] Brand: Synology
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.326008] Model: DS-216+II
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.329244] This is default settings: set group disks wakeup number to 1, spinup time deno 1
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.372563] synobios: unload
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.434645] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sda5
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.440304] md: sda5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.467414] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sda6
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.473066] md: sda6 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.524702] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdb5
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.530355] md: sdb5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.560102] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdb6
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.565757] md: sdb6 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.589254] md: sda2 has different UUID to sda1
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.597932] md: sdb2 has different UUID to sda1
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 umount: can't umount /initrd: Invalid argument
2020-12-05T08:31:03+01:00 DiskStation216 synoservice: synoservice.c:1559 pause gcpd due to require service cupsd runkey is stop
2020-12-05T08:31:04+01:00 DiskStation216 synodrnode: Clear temp credential of DRNode
2020-12-05T08:31:05+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 51.341257] init: syno-auth-check main process (4508) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:31:05+01:00 DiskStation216 root: Job pkg-LogCenter-syslog is not running, skip reload service action
2020-12-05T08:31:07+01:00 DiskStation216 synostorage: synostorage_int_disk.c:387 Disk [sda] info cache generated
2020-12-05T08:31:07+01:00 DiskStation216 synostorage: synostorage_int_disk.c:387 Disk [sdb] info cache generated
2020-12-05T08:31:08+01:00 DiskStation216 if_link_down hook event: eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:10+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 55.764600] 2020-12-5 7:31:10 UTC
2020-12-05T08:31:10+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 55.773102] Brand: Synology
2020-12-05T08:31:10+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 55.776248] Model: DS-216+II
2020-12-05T08:31:10+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 55.779486] This is default settings: set group disks wakeup number to 1, spinup time deno 1


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Mitglied seit
13. Feb 2017
Punkte für Reaktionen
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: RSDP 0x000000007BFFE014 00024 (v02 INSYDE)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: XSDT 0x000000007BFFE120 00094 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 01000013)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACP 0x000000007BFFA000 0010C (v05 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: DSDT 0x000000007BFE9000 0B0A1 (v02 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: FACS 0x000000007BFBB000 00040
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: UEFI 0x000000007BFFD000 00236 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: UEFI 0x000000007BFFB000 00042 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000000 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x000000007BFF9000 00084 (v03 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: MCFG 0x000000007BFF8000 0003C (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: SLIC 0x000000007BFF7000 00176 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: WDAT 0x000000007BFF6000 001C4 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: WDRT 0x000000007BFF5000 00047 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007BFE8000 00763 (v01 INSYDE CpuPm 00003000 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007BFE7000 00290 (v01 INSYDE Cpu0Tst 00003000 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007BFE6000 0017A (v01 INSYDE ApTst 00003000 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: APIC 0x000000007BFE5000 00084 (v03 INSYDE INSYDE 00000003 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: FPDT 0x000000007BFE4000 00044 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000002 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: BGRT 0x000000007BFE3000 00038 (v01 INSYDE INSYDE 00000001 ACPI 00040000)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: BIOS bug: multiple APIC/MADT found, using 0
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] ACPI: If "acpi_apic_instance=2" works better, notify linux-acpi@vger.kernel.org
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Zone ranges:
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] DMA [mem 0x00001000-0x00ffffff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] DMA32 [mem 0x01000000-0xffffffff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Normal [mem 0x100000000-0x27fffffff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Movable zone start for each node
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Early memory node ranges
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00001000-0x0006efff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00070000-0x00085fff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x00100000-0x7a4befff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x7bfff000-0x7bffffff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] node 0: [mem 0x100000000-0x27fffffff]
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 2045293
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Internal HD num: 2
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Internal netif num: 1
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Support HDD Hotplug.
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Sata Port Map: 21
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Disk Index Map: 0002
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Synology Hardware Version: DS216+II-j
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Vender format version: 2
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] SYNO GPIO hdd detect pin: 56 59 63 57
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] SYNO GPIO hdd enable pin: 61 60 71 58
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.000000] Serial Number: 1680O6N651107
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.073598] ENERGY_PERF_BIAS: Set to 'normal', was 'performance'
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.073598] ENERGY_PERF_BIAS: View and update with x86_energy_perf_policy(8)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.154390] ACPI: All ACPI Tables successfully acquired
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.416971] raid6: sse2x1 gen() 722 MB/s
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.437985] raid6: sse2x1 xor() 1712 MB/s
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.459031] raid6: sse2x2 gen() 1042 MB/s
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.480077] raid6: sse2x2 xor() 1964 MB/s
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.501160] raid6: sse2x4 gen() 1640 MB/s
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.522178] raid6: sse2x4 xor() 1833 MB/s
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.526950] raid6: using algorithm sse2x4 gen() (1640 MB/s)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.533179] raid6: .... xor() 1833 MB/s, rmw enabled
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.538727] raid6: using ssse3x2 recovery algorithm
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.596374] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007AEB1718 006B7 (v01 PmRef Cpu0Ist 00003000 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.606666] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.611167] ACPI: SSDT 0x0000000000000000 006B7 (v01 PmRef Cpu0Ist 00003000 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.620839] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007AEB0C18 003A5 (v01 PmRef Cpu0Cst 00003001 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.631110] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.635610] ACPI: SSDT 0x0000000000000000 003A5 (v01 PmRef Cpu0Cst 00003001 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.651394] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007AEB2E18 0015F (v01 PmRef ApIst 00003000 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.661717] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.666217] ACPI: SSDT 0x0000000000000000 0015F (v01 PmRef ApIst 00003000 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.679648] ACPI: SSDT 0x000000007AEB9E18 0008D (v01 PmRef ApCst 00003000 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.689927] ACPI: Dynamic OEM Table Load:
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 0.694426] ACPI: SSDT 0x0000000000000000 0008D (v01 PmRef ApCst 00003000 INTL 20130117)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 1.071381] ACPI: Enabled 6 GPEs in block 00 to 3F
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 4.431752] bounce pool size: 64 pages
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 4.445476] Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 15.215018] ata1: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 16.343985] ata1: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 16.426319] Delay 5 seconds to wait for disk 2 ready.
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 29.805477] ata2: link is slow to respond, please be patient (ready=0)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 30.985438] ata2: SATA link up 6.0 Gbps (SStatus 133 SControl 300)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 31.064717] Change defer qc mode on external port for compatibility
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 31.403431] ata3: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 320)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 31.409484] ata3: Disk is present for SATA link down event
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 32.511688] i8042: No controller found
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 32.540753] ACPI Warning: 0x0000000000003040-0x000000000000305F SystemIO conflicts with Region \_SB_.PCI0.SBUS.SMBI 1 (20130328/utaddress-249)
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.295115] braswell_synobios: module license 'Synology Inc.' taints kernel.
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.303012] Disabling lock debugging due to kernel taint
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.309750] ttyS1 - failed to request DMA
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.314380] 2020-12-5 7:30:47 UTC
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.322868] Brand: Synology
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.326008] Model: DS-216+II
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.329244] This is default settings: set group disks wakeup number to 1, spinup time deno 1
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.372563] synobios: unload
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.434645] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sda5
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.440304] md: sda5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.467414] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sda6
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.473066] md: sda6 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.524702] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdb5
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.530355] md: sdb5 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.560102] md: invalid raid superblock magic on sdb6
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.565757] md: sdb6 does not have a valid v0.90 superblock, not importing!
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.589254] md: sda2 has different UUID to sda1
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 33.597932] md: sdb2 has different UUID to sda1
2020-12-05T08:30:57+01:00 DiskStation216 umount: can't umount /initrd: Invalid argument
2020-12-05T08:31:03+01:00 DiskStation216 synoservice: synoservice.c:1559 pause gcpd due to require service cupsd runkey is stop
2020-12-05T08:31:04+01:00 DiskStation216 synodrnode: Clear temp credential of DRNode
2020-12-05T08:31:05+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 51.341257] init: syno-auth-check main process (4508) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:31:05+01:00 DiskStation216 root: Job pkg-LogCenter-syslog is not running, skip reload service action
2020-12-05T08:31:07+01:00 DiskStation216 synostorage: synostorage_int_disk.c:387 Disk [sda] info cache generated
2020-12-05T08:31:07+01:00 DiskStation216 synostorage: synostorage_int_disk.c:387 Disk [sdb] info cache generated
2020-12-05T08:31:08+01:00 DiskStation216 if_link_down hook event: eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:10+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 55.764600] 2020-12-5 7:31:10 UTC
2020-12-05T08:31:10+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 55.773102] Brand: Synology
2020-12-05T08:31:10+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 55.776248] Model: DS-216+II
2020-12-05T08:31:10+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 55.779486] This is default settings: set group disks wakeup number to 1, spinup time deno 1
2020-12-05T08:31:12+01:00 DiskStation216 interface-catcher: lo (inet netmask ) is added
2020-12-05T08:31:12+01:00 DiskStation216 rc.network: set mac [00:11:32:64:c1:1b] on [ovs_eth0]
2020-12-05T08:31:13+01:00 DiskStation216 interface-catcher: ovs_eth0 (dhcp) is added
2020-12-05T08:31:14+01:00 DiskStation216 if_link_up hook event: lo
2020-12-05T08:31:14+01:00 DiskStation216 if_link_down hook event: ovs-system
2020-12-05T08:31:14+01:00 DiskStation216 dhcp-client: started on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:14+01:00 DiskStation216 if_link_down hook event: ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:14+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 60.714295] init: dhcp-client (ovs_eth0) main process (6777) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:31:15+01:00 DiskStation216 dhcp-client: stopped on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:15+01:00 DiskStation216 dhcp-client: started on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:17+01:00 DiskStation216 if_link_up hook event: eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:17+01:00 DiskStation216 dhcp-client: ovs_eth0 get new IP x.x.x.x/24
2020-12-05T08:31:17+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 63.374255] init: dhcp-client (ovs_eth0) main process (6973) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:31:17+01:00 DiskStation216 spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:3666 [Info] Old vg path: [/dev/vg1000], New vg path: [/dev/vg1000], UUID: [xwsGGW-6cOe-5FsV-pmdI-AvpB-ljFe-o3zIVH]
2020-12-05T08:31:17+01:00 DiskStation216 spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:3673 [Info] Activate all VG
2020-12-05T08:31:17+01:00 DiskStation216 dhcp-client: stopped on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:17+01:00 DiskStation216 spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:3691 Activate LVM [/dev/vg1000]
2020-12-05T08:31:17+01:00 DiskStation216 spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:3734 space: [/dev/vg1000]
2020-12-05T08:31:17+01:00 DiskStation216 dhcp-client: started on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:17+01:00 DiskStation216 spacetool.shared: spacetool.c:3762 space: [/dev/vg1000], ndisk: [4]
2020-12-05T08:31:18+01:00 DiskStation216 spacetool.shared: hotspare_repair_config_set.c:37 synostoraged is offline, skip sending SIGHUP
2020-12-05T08:31:18+01:00 DiskStation216 synovspace: virtual_space_conf_check.c:78 [INFO] "PASS" checking configuration of virtual space [FCACHE], app: [1]
2020-12-05T08:31:18+01:00 DiskStation216 synovspace: virtual_space_conf_check.c:74 [INFO] No implementation, skip checking configuration of virtual space [HA]
2020-12-05T08:31:18+01:00 DiskStation216 synovspace: virtual_space_conf_check.c:74 [INFO] No implementation, skip checking configuration of virtual space [MIGRATION]
2020-12-05T08:31:18+01:00 DiskStation216 synovspace: virtual_space_conf_check.c:74 [INFO] No implementation, skip checking configuration of virtual space [SNAPSHOT_ORG]
2020-12-05T08:31:18+01:00 DiskStation216 synovspace: vspace_wrapper_load_all.c:76 [INFO] No virtual layer above space: [/volume1] / [/dev/vg1000/lv]
2020-12-05T08:31:18+01:00 DiskStation216 s00_synocheckfstab: s00_synocheckfstab.c:174 [Info] Success to generate fstab
2020-12-05T08:31:19+01:00 DiskStation216 dhcp-client: ovs_eth0 get new IP x.x.x.x/24
2020-12-05T08:31:19+01:00 DiskStation216 gateway_change hook event: NEW on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:19+01:00 DiskStation216 dhcp-client6: started on ovs_eth0 with action=info
2020-12-05T08:31:20+01:00 DiskStation216 dhcp-client6: stopped on ovs_eth0 with action=info
2020-12-05T08:31:20+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 66.548633] BTRFS: has skinny extents
2020-12-05T08:31:21+01:00 DiskStation216 dhclient: ovs_eth0 emit network ready event
2020-12-05T08:31:21+01:00 DiskStation216 gateway_change hook event: DEL on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:21+01:00 DiskStation216 gateway_change hook event: NEW on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:21+01:00 DiskStation216 gateway_change hook event: NEW x.x.x.x on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:22+01:00 DiskStation216 gateway_change hook event: DEL x.x.x.x on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:22+01:00 DiskStation216 gateway_change hook event: NEW x.x.x.x on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:25+01:00 DiskStation216 gateway_change hook event: DEL x.x.x.x on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:25+01:00 DiskStation216 gateway_change hook event: NEW x.x.x.x on ovs_eth0
2020-12-05T08:31:31+01:00 DiskStation216 synocheckhotspare: synocheckhotspare.c:150 [INFO] No hotspare config, skip hotspare config check. [0x2000 virtual_space_layer_get.c:97]
2020-12-05T08:31:32+01:00 DiskStation216 synosnmpcd: main.cpp:147 Start to init daemon
2020-12-05T08:31:35+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 81.189118] sd 3:0:0:0: [synoboot] No Caching mode page found
2020-12-05T08:31:35+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 81.195565] sd 3:0:0:0: [synoboot] Assuming drive cache: write through
2020-12-05T08:31:35+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 81.211262] sd 3:0:0:0: [synoboot] No Caching mode page found
2020-12-05T08:31:35+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 81.217710] sd 3:0:0:0: [synoboot] Assuming drive cache: write through
2020-12-05T08:31:35+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 81.239419] sd 3:0:0:0: [synoboot] No Caching mode page found
2020-12-05T08:31:35+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 81.245892] sd 3:0:0:0: [synoboot] Assuming drive cache: write through
2020-12-05T08:31:35+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 81.372560] Syno_HddMon: Initialization completed.
2020-12-05T08:31:36+01:00 DiskStation216 syno_hdd_util: Model:[WD40EFRX-68N32N0], Firmware:[82.00A82], S/N:[WD-WCC7K1ULH3A9] in [/dev/sdb] is not ssd
2020-12-05T08:31:36+01:00 DiskStation216 syno_hdd_util: Model:[WD40EFRX-68N32N0], Firmware:[82.00A82], S/N:[WD-WCC7K1DNZ8PE] in [/dev/sda] is not ssd
2020-12-05T08:31:42+01:00 DiskStation216 share-hook: (10657:25792) [ERROR] share-hook.cpp(285): failed to connect to cloud monitor
2020-12-05T08:31:42+01:00 DiskStation216 share-hook: (10657:25792) [ERROR] share-hook.cpp(286): notification is not sent ({"notify": "share_hook", "result": 0, "share_name": "homes", "type": "set_privilege_change"})
2020-12-05T08:31:43+01:00 DiskStation216 synoiscsiep: iscsi_start_all.cpp:123 Successfully started iSCSI service.
2020-12-05T08:31:43+01:00 DiskStation216 synodrivehook: synodrivehook.cpp:211 Failed [FALSE == SLIBServiceIsRunning(SZ_PGSQL_SERVICE_NAME)], err=No such file or directory
2020-12-05T08:31:45+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 90.605779] FAT-fs (synoboot2): fat_set_state: set=1 process=synopkicompatsy pid=10812
2020-12-05T08:31:45+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 90.666543] FAT-fs (synoboot2): fat_set_state: set=0 process=synopkicompatsy pid=10812
2020-12-05T08:31:45+01:00 DiskStation216 synousbdisk: RCClean succeeded
2020-12-05T08:31:46+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 91.987874] init: iscsi_pluginserverd main process (10687) terminated with status 255
2020-12-05T08:31:46+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 91.997632] init: iscsi_pluginserverd main process ended, respawning
2020-12-05T08:31:48+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1386 ##### ACTION:add
2020-12-05T08:31:48+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: DEVNAME:sda
2020-12-05T08:31:48+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: DEVGUID:WD-WCC7K1DNZ8PE0
2020-12-05T08:31:48+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: DEVPATH:sda
2020-12-05T08:31:48+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:block
2020-12-05T08:31:48+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: PHYSDEVPATH:/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:13.0/ata1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0
2020-12-05T08:31:48+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: scemd_connector/scemd_connector.c:143 Fail to sendto() for scemd connector client.
2020-12-05T08:31:48+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1546 ==== SATA disk [sda] hotswap [add] ====
2020-12-05T08:31:48+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: disk/disk_config_single.c:117 apply /usr/syno/bin/DiskApmSet.sh 255 /dev/sda 1>/dev/null 2>&1
2020-12-05T08:31:49+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: disk/disk_config_single.c:117 apply /usr/syno/bin/syno_disk_ctl --ncq-on /dev/sda 1>/dev/null 2>&1
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1575 ==== SATA disk [sda] Model: [WD40EFRX-68N32N0 ] ====
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1576 ==== SATA disk [sda] Serial number: [WD-WCC7K1DNZ8PE] ====
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1577 ==== SATA disk [sda] Firmware version: [82.00A82] ====
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1386 ##### ACTION:add
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: DEVNAME:sdb
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: DEVGUID:WD-WCC7K1ULH3A90
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: DEVPATH:sdb
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: SUBSYSTEM:block
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: PHYSDEVPATH:/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:13.0/ata2/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: scemd_connector/scemd_connector.c:143 Fail to sendto() for scemd connector client.
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1546 ==== SATA disk [sdb] hotswap [add] ====
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: disk/disk_config_single.c:117 apply /usr/syno/bin/DiskApmSet.sh 255 /dev/sdb 1>/dev/null 2>&1
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: disk/disk_config_single.c:117 apply /usr/syno/bin/syno_disk_ctl --ncq-on /dev/sdb 1>/dev/null 2>&1
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1575 ==== SATA disk [sdb] Model: [WD40EFRX-68N32N0 ] ====
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1576 ==== SATA disk [sdb] Serial number: [WD-WCC7K1ULH3A9] ====
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 hotplugd: hotplugd.c:1577 ==== SATA disk [sdb] Firmware version: [82.00A82] ====
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 share-hook: (11681:49856) [ERROR] share-hook.cpp(285): failed to connect to cloud monitor
2020-12-05T08:31:50+01:00 DiskStation216 share-hook: (11681:49856) [ERROR] share-hook.cpp(286): notification is not sent ({"notify": "share_hook", "result": 0, "share_name": "homes", "type": "set_privilege_change"})
2020-12-05T08:31:51+01:00 DiskStation216 synodrivehook: synodrivehook.cpp:211 Failed [FALSE == SLIBServiceIsRunning(SZ_PGSQL_SERVICE_NAME)], err=No such file or directory
2020-12-05T08:31:59+01:00 DiskStation216 ssrecsharectl: APIRunner.cpp:345 WebAPI SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Recording.Reindex is not valid
2020-12-05T08:31:59+01:00 DiskStation216 ssrecsharectl: APIRunner.cpp:345 WebAPI SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Recording.Reindex is not valid
2020-12-05T08:31:59+01:00 DiskStation216 ssrecsharectl: SYSTEM: Last message 'APIRunner.cpp:345 We' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:31:59+01:00 DiskStation216 ssrecsharectl_SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Recording.Reindex_1_Start[11957]: APIRunner.cpp:345 WebAPI SYNO.SurveillanceStation.Recording.Reindex is not valid
2020-12-05T08:32:07+01:00 DiskStation216 serv-bootup-timeout.sh: all service finish boot up.
2020-12-05T08:32:10+01:00 DiskStation216 root: == DSM 6.2 25426-3 finished boot up ==
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for LogCenter when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for LogCenter when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire usr-local-linker for LogCenter when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire pam-config for SurveillanceStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for iTunesServer when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for iTunesServer when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire data-share for iTunesServer when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for ReplicationService when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for ReplicationService when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire usr-local-linker for ReplicationService when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire usr-local-linker for PHP7.0 when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for HyperBackup when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for HyperBackup when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire synocrond for ReplicationService when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:13+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire backup-backend for HyperBackup when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:14+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire media-index for iTunesServer when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:14+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 119.801703] init: synosysnotify main process (12045) terminated with status 1
2020-12-05T08:32:14+01:00 DiskStation216 root: Job pkg-LogCenter-syslog is not running, skip reload service action
2020-12-05T08:32:14+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for AntiVirus when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:14+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for AntiVirus when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:14+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:14+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for TextEditor when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:14+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for TextEditor when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:17+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:17+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for SurveillanceStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:17+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for SurveillanceStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:18+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:18+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire web-config for SurveillanceStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:20+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire sysnotify for HyperBackup when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:20+01:00 DiskStation216 synoavd: dispatcher.cpp:21 (14296, 0) start dispatcher thread
2020-12-05T08:32:20+01:00 DiskStation216 synoavd: worker_pool.cpp:78 (14296, 0) start worker pool
2020-12-05T08:32:20+01:00 DiskStation216 synoavd: pool_monitor.cpp:56 (14296, 0) start pool monitor
2020-12-05T08:32:22+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 128.392435] init: synoscheduler-vmtouch main process (3870) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:32:23+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 128.953733] init: synoscheduler-vmtouch main process (14330) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:32:26+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for Docker when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:26+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for Docker when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:26+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:26+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire data-share for PhotoStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:26+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for SynoFinder when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:26+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for SynoFinder when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:26+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:26+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for DownloadStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:26+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire web-config for NoteStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:26+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for DownloadStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:26+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire web-config for DownloadStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:26+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire synocrond for DownloadStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for MediaServer when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for MediaServer when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for SynologyApplicationService when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for SynologyApplicationService when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for FileStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for FileStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire csp-rule for NoteStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire usr-local-linker for SynologyApplicationService when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire web-config for FileStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire media-index for PhotoStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire media-index for MediaServer when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire csp-rule for FileStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for Virtualization when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for Virtualization when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:28+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:28+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire web-config for Virtualization when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:28+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire usr-local-linker for Virtualization when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:28+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire sysnotify for Docker when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:28+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for VideoStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:28+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for VideoStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:28+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:28+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire data-share for VideoStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:29+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire web-config for VideoStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:29+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire csp-rule for VideoStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:31+01:00 DiskStation216 updater: utils.cpp:461 (RunAvailableUpdaters) Run SUS available updates
2020-12-05T08:32:31+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire media-index for VideoStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:31+01:00 DiskStation216 updater: utils.cpp:480 (RunAvailableUpdaters) Run SUS mandatory updates
2020-12-05T08:32:32+01:00 DiskStation216 share-hook: (14925:31168) [ERROR] share-hook.cpp(285): failed to connect to cloud monitor
2020-12-05T08:32:32+01:00 DiskStation216 share-hook: (14925:31168) [ERROR] share-hook.cpp(286): notification is not sent ({"notify": "share_hook", "result": 0, "share_name": "homes", "type": "set_privilege_change"})
2020-12-05T08:32:32+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for AudioStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:32+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for AudioStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:32+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:32+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire data-share for AudioStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:32+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire web-config for AudioStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:35+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire media-index for AudioStation when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:38+01:00 DiskStation216 thumbd: dispatcher.cpp:21 (15358, 0) start dispatcher thread
2020-12-05T08:32:38+01:00 DiskStation216 thumbd: worker_pool.cpp:78 (15358, 0) start worker pool
2020-12-05T08:32:38+01:00 DiskStation216 thumbd: pool_monitor.cpp:91 (15358, 0) start pool monitor
2020-12-05T08:32:41+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire sysnotify for Virtualization when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:48+01:00 DiskStation216 session_watcher: dispatcher.cpp:21 (15982, 0) start dispatcher thread
2020-12-05T08:32:48+01:00 DiskStation216 session_watcher: worker_pool.cpp:78 (15982, 0) start worker pool
2020-12-05T08:32:48+01:00 DiskStation216 session_watcher: pool_monitor.cpp:56 (15982, 0) start pool monitor
2020-12-05T08:32:49+01:00 DiskStation216 fileindeX: fileindex.cpp:576 (16154, 0) (UpdateLogLocation) fileindex update log location
2020-12-05T08:32:49+01:00 DiskStation216 fileindeX: fileindex.cpp:580 (UpdateLogLocation) ignored volume: []
2020-12-05T08:32:49+01:00 DiskStation216 fileindeX: fileindex.cpp:411 (PickLogDir) enum [volume1]
2020-12-05T08:32:49+01:00 DiskStation216 fileindeX: fileindex.cpp:583 (UpdateLogLocation) picked new log dir [/volume1/@SynoFinder-log]
2020-12-05T08:32:49+01:00 DiskStation216 fileindeX: fileindex.cpp:472 (MoveTo) link exists [/var/log/SynoFinder] -> [/volume1/@SynoFinder-log]
2020-12-05T08:32:53+01:00 DiskStation216 pulseaudio[15993]: [pulseaudio] socket-server.c: bind(): Address already in use
2020-12-05T08:32:53+01:00 DiskStation216 pulseaudio[15993]: [pulseaudio] module.c: Failed to load module "module-cli-protocol-unix" (argument: ""): initialization failed.
2020-12-05T08:32:53+01:00 DiskStation216 pulseaudio[15993]: [pulseaudio] socket-server.c: bind(): Address already in use
2020-12-05T08:32:53+01:00 DiskStation216 pulseaudio[15993]: [pulseaudio] module.c: Failed to load module "module-cli-protocol-unix" (argument: ""): initialization failed.
2020-12-05T08:32:53+01:00 DiskStation216 pulseaudio[15993]: [pulseaudio] socket-server.c: bind(): Address already in use
2020-12-05T08:32:53+01:00 DiskStation216 pulseaudio[15993]: [pulseaudio] module.c: Failed to load module "module-cli-protocol-unix" (argument: ""): initialization failed.
2020-12-05T08:32:53+01:00 DiskStation216 pulseaudio[15993]: [pulseaudio] socket-server.c: bind(): Address already in use
2020-12-05T08:32:53+01:00 DiskStation216 pulseaudio[15993]: [pulseaudio] module.c: Failed to load module "module-cli-protocol-unix" (argument: ""): initialization failed.
2020-12-05T08:32:53+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 158.748067] workqueue: max_active 1024 requested for vhost_scsi is out of range, clamping between 1 and 512
2020-12-05T08:32:53+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/host.cpp:2968 ccc/package.cpp:VirtPkgStartInit:1035: Start to restart all services
2020-12-05T08:32:53+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/host.cpp:3023 ccc/host.cpp:HostRestartAllService:2971: Start to pause all services


Sehr erfahren
Mitglied seit
13. Feb 2017
Punkte für Reaktionen
2020-12-05T08:32:53+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-synovncrelayd ...[1]
2020-12-05T08:32:54+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-synohostcmdd ...[1]
2020-12-05T08:32:54+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-synohostcommd ...[1]
2020-12-05T08:32:54+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-synocccd ...[1]
2020-12-05T08:32:54+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-libvirtd ...[1]
2020-12-05T08:32:54+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-etcd_hyper ...[1]
2020-12-05T08:32:54+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-etcd ...[1]
2020-12-05T08:32:54+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-synocccstated ...[1]
2020-12-05T08:32:54+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/host.cpp:2982 ccc/host.cpp:HostRestartAllService:2972: Start to resume all services
2020-12-05T08:32:54+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-synocccstated ...[0]
2020-12-05T08:32:54+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-etcd ...[0]
2020-12-05T08:32:55+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-etcd_hyper ...[0]
2020-12-05T08:32:55+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-libvirtd ...[0]
2020-12-05T08:32:56+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccstated: synocccstated.cpp:101 start with empty data
2020-12-05T08:32:56+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire pam-config for SynologyDrive when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:58+01:00 DiskStation216 : dispatcher.cpp:21 (16772, 0) start dispatcher thread
2020-12-05T08:32:58+01:00 DiskStation216 : worker_pool.cpp:78 (16772, 0) start worker pool
2020-12-05T08:32:58+01:00 DiskStation216 : pool_monitor.cpp:91 (16772, 0) start pool monitor
2020-12-05T08:32:58+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for SynologyDrive when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:58+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire webapi-desc for SynologyDrive when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:58+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: SYSTEM: Last message 'resource_api.cpp:190' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on DiskStation216
2020-12-05T08:32:58+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire web-config for SynologyDrive when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:32:58+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire csp-rule for SynologyDrive when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:33:02+01:00 DiskStation216 gateway_change hook event: NEW on docker0
2020-12-05T08:33:03+01:00 DiskStation216 synomustache: synomustache.cpp:88 Failed to load /var/packages/Spreadsheet/target/etc/Spreadsheet.mustache [No such file or directory]
2020-12-05T08:33:05+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-synocccd ...[0]
2020-12-05T08:33:05+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-synohostcommd ...[0]
2020-12-05T08:33:06+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-synohostcmdd ...[0]
2020-12-05T08:33:06+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire sysnotify for SynologyDrive when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:33:06+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: util.cpp:81 Install extension, name=synology_drive_file_parser, config_path=/var/packages/SynologyDrive/target/lib/extension/file_parser.conf, parser_path=/var/packages/SynologyDrive/target/lib/extension/file_parser.so
2020-12-05T08:33:06+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: util.cpp:127 Install extension done
2020-12-05T08:33:06+01:00 DiskStation216 synopkgctl: resource_api.cpp:190 Acquire content-extractor for SynologyDrive when 0x0000 (done)
2020-12-05T08:33:07+01:00 DiskStation216 root: CS: [start-stop-status]: Synology Drive start...
2020-12-05T08:33:07+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccctool: ccc/service.cpp:259 service pkg-synovncrelayd ...[0]
2020-12-05T08:33:08+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 174.211686] init: synocontentextractd main process ended, respawning
2020-12-05T08:33:09+01:00 DiskStation216 if_link_down hook event: virbr0
2020-12-05T08:33:10+01:00 DiskStation216 if_link_down hook event: virbr0-nic
2020-12-05T08:33:10+01:00 DiskStation216 if_link_up hook event: virbr0-nic
2020-12-05T08:33:14+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 179.922289] init: nmbd main process (17330) killed by KILL signal
2020-12-05T08:33:12+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd: ccc/service.cpp:1111 Failed to write /tmp/ccc/cache.etcd.state.json
2020-12-05T08:33:10+01:00 DiskStation216 if_link_down hook event: virbr0-nic
2020-12-05T08:33:15+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd: ccc/cluster.cpp:619 Virtualization not upgrading, skip updater
2020-12-05T08:33:15+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd: synocccd.cpp:4958 synocccd is running
2020-12-05T08:33:15+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd: synocccd.cpp:4641 Do cluster bootup initialization
2020-12-05T08:33:15+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd: synocccd.cpp:4562 no SHA running
2020-12-05T08:33:15+01:00 DiskStation216 root: syno-etcd-logd is running
2020-12-05T08:33:16+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 181.853333] init: scsi_plugin_server main process (10685) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:33:17+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 183.181632] init: nmbd main process (19011) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:33:17+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 183.351001] init: iscsi_pluginserverd main process (18926) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:33:17+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 183.375391] init: iscsi_pluginengined main process (18920) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:33:18+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 183.444209] init: scsi_plugin_server main process (18953) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:33:18+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: ccc/host.cpp:307 Set management https port[5001]
2020-12-05T08:33:18+01:00 DiskStation216 redis-server: oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
2020-12-05T08:33:18+01:00 DiskStation216 redis-server: Redis version=5.0.3, bits=64, commit=b619089a, modified=0, pid=19264, just started
2020-12-05T08:33:18+01:00 DiskStation216 redis-server: Configuration loaded
2020-12-05T08:33:19+01:00 DiskStation216 synodrive-redis[19305]: WARNING overcommit_memory is set to 0! Background save may fail under low memory condition. To fix this issue add 'vm.overcommit_memory = 1' to /etc/sysctl.conf and then reboot or run the command 'sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1' for this to take effect.
2020-12-05T08:33:19+01:00 DiskStation216 synomustache: synomustache.cpp:88 Failed to load /var/packages/Spreadsheet/target/etc/Spreadsheet.mustache [No such file or directory]
2020-12-05T08:33:20+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd_SYNO.CCC.Cluster.Member_1_update_connection[17370]: Cluster/member.cpp:1414 Connection to host[2d9c830e-d876-463a-93c2-c8ba6221c6a0] become connectable.
2020-12-05T08:33:20+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd_SYNO.CCC.Cluster.Member_1_update_connection[19565]: Cluster/member.cpp:1414 Connection to host[2d9c830e-d876-463a-93c2-c8ba6221c6a0] become connectable.
2020-12-05T08:33:20+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 186.166418] init: iscsi_pluginserverd main process (19123) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:33:20+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 186.187829] init: iscsi_pluginengined main process (19119) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:33:20+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:1769 Done update host connection
2020-12-05T08:33:20+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 186.284727] init: scsi_plugin_server main process (19133) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:33:21+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:4671 Success to do repositories recover action
2020-12-05T08:33:21+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: ccc/vdisk.cpp:2956 Find conflict vdisks by dashboard info, number: 0
2020-12-05T08:33:21+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:4685 Success to do vdisks recover action
2020-12-05T08:33:21+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:4691 Success to do guest image recover action
2020-12-05T08:33:21+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: ccc/guestconf.cpp:1772 Failed to rm state [80ce192b-6560-477a-8c14-6ec9cf0df293]
2020-12-05T08:33:21+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:2521 Failed to clear stated state
2020-12-05T08:33:21+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:4602 Instance is not exist [80ce192b-6560-477a-8c14-6ec9cf0df293].
2020-12-05T08:33:21+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:2205 Host first boot-up. Shutdown guests running on remote hosts. shutdown reason: [11]
2020-12-05T08:33:21+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: ccc/guestctrl.cpp:1062 Shutdown guests on repo: [de61a454-8b3f-4017-a0f4-7d1e479af4b4]
2020-12-05T08:33:21+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: ccc/sender.cpp:614 empty host request
2020-12-05T08:33:21+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: ccc/guestctrl.cpp:1080 not all succeed
2020-12-05T08:33:21+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:2211 Failed to signal repo shutdown
2020-12-05T08:33:23+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 189.155815] init: iscsi_pluginserverd main process (19626) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:33:23+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 189.167895] init: iscsi_pluginengined main process (19623) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:33:23+01:00 DiskStation216 [ 189.207831] init: scsi_plugin_server main process (19638) killed by TERM signal
2020-12-05T08:33:24+01:00 DiskStation216 kernel: [ 189.970668] cgroup: runc (19916) created nested cgroup for controller "blkio" which has incomplete hierarchy support. Nested cgroups may change behavior in the future.
2020-12-05T08:33:25+01:00 DiskStation216 synophoto_acl: synosdk_wrapper.cpp:11 SYNOUserGetByUID failed [1033]
2020-12-05T08:33:27+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:4737 Success to do license recover.
2020-12-05T08:33:29+01:00 DiskStation216 synodr[20107]: report/plan_reporter.cpp:604(UpdateGlobalReport)[WARN][20107]: Update global report [queue_report]: success
2020-12-05T08:33:29+01:00 DiskStation216 synodr[20107]: report/plan_reporter.cpp:604(UpdateGlobalReport)[WARN][20107]: Update global report [setting_report]: success
2020-12-05T08:33:29+01:00 DiskStation216 : dispatcher.cpp:21 (20129, 0) start dispatcher thread
2020-12-05T08:33:29+01:00 DiskStation216 : worker_pool.cpp:78 (20129, 0) start worker pool
2020-12-05T08:33:29+01:00 DiskStation216 : pool_monitor.cpp:91 (20129, 0) start pool monitor
2020-12-05T08:33:29+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccc_guestd[20170]: CpuCore: ccc/reservation.cpp:1343 CPU cores utilization, total: 2 * 2, sum of vcpu used: 0, sum of cpu pin reserved: 0, want vcpu: 0, want cpu reserved: 0
2020-12-05T08:33:29+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccc_vmm_groupd[20204]: ccc/license_utils.cpp:693 Skip synoccc_sha_groupd type: vmm
2020-12-05T08:33:29+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccc_vdsm_groupd[20206]: ccc/license_utils.cpp:693 Skip synoccc_sha_groupd type: vdsm
2020-12-05T08:33:29+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:4182 Repo ready on me: [de61a454-8b3f-4017-a0f4-7d1e479af4b4]
2020-12-05T08:33:29+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd_SYNO.CCC.Guest_1_repo_ready[20215]: Guest/guest.cpp:4397 repo [de61a454-8b3f-4017-a0f4-7d1e479af4b4] ready
2020-12-05T08:33:30+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccc_replicad[20181]: ccc/replica_utils.cpp:982 Start to modify credential.
2020-12-05T08:33:30+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccc_replicad[20181]: ccc/replica_utils.cpp:2500 Replica event [cred@1607153599837234492] has been canceled.
2020-12-05T08:33:30+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccc_replicad[20181]: ccc/replica_utils.cpp:774 Start to modify protect status and resyncing if needed.
2020-12-05T08:33:30+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccc_replicad[20181]: ccc/replica_utils.cpp:2500 Replica event [run@1607153599966262490] has been canceled.
2020-12-05T08:33:30+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:4197 Done signaling repo ready
2020-12-05T08:33:30+01:00 DiskStation216 srvctl: (20165:98400) [INFO] client-updater.cpp(227): ====== ClientUpdater Starting. ======
2020-12-05T08:33:30+01:00 DiskStation216 srvctl: (20165:98400) [INFO] client-updater.cpp(359): ====== ClientUpdater Success. ======
2020-12-05T08:33:31+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:4810 cluster (version 2.5.2-9711) bootup initialization done.
2020-12-05T08:33:32+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:3917 Repo appeared:
2020-12-05T08:33:32+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:3919 de61a454-8b3f-4017-a0f4-7d1e479af4b4
2020-12-05T08:33:32+01:00 DiskStation216 synocccd[17370]: synocccd.cpp:3475 First time abnormal host handle
2020-12-05T08:33:33+01:00 DiskStation216 synomustache: synomustache.cpp:88 Failed to load /var/packages/Spreadsheet/target/etc/Spreadsheet.mustache [No such file or directory]
2020-12-05T08:33:35+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccc_replicad[20181]: ccc/replica_utils.cpp:774 Start to modify protect status and resyncing if needed.
2020-12-05T08:33:35+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccc_replicad[20181]: ccc/replica_utils.cpp:2500 Replica event [run@1607153611662573619] has been canceled.
2020-12-05T08:33:35+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccc_replicad[20181]: ccc/replica_utils.cpp:1104 Start to handle changing vDisk event if needed.
2020-12-05T08:33:35+01:00 DiskStation216 synoccc_replicad[20181]: ccc/replica_utils.cpp:2500 Replica event [vdisk_chg@1607153611690600745] has been canceled.
2020-12-05T08:33:46+01:00 DiskStation216 synomustache: synomustache.cpp:88 Failed to load /var/packages/Spreadsheet/target/etc/Spreadsheet.mustache [No such file or directory]


Sehr erfahren
Mitglied seit
13. Feb 2017
Punkte für Reaktionen
Ich hoffe, daß war jetzt kein "overkill"...


Sehr erfahren
Mitglied seit
13. Feb 2017
Punkte für Reaktionen
Von den installierten Paketen laufen "Synology Chat Server" nicht (habe ich selbst abgeschaltet und nie deinstaliert) und "OAuth Service". Muß der laufen? Den habe ich irgendwann auch einmal abgeschaltet. Alle anderen Pakete laufen, es läuft zudem (manuell installiert) Virtual Machine Manager, die VM darin ist allerdings abgeschaltet.



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