ein nützliches Tool für die Kommandozeile

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Mitglied seit
15. Mai 2008
Punkte für Reaktionen
hi leutz,

kennt ihr das Tool: Swiss File Knife - the open source file tree processor?
Habe das Programm zufällig gefunden und ausprobiert. Funzt tadellos :D


Mitglied seit
12. Jul 2007
Punkte für Reaktionen
Ich hab schon mal gesehen, dass es dieses Programm gibt. Aber was genau machst Du damit?


Mitglied seit
15. Mai 2008
Punkte für Reaktionen
schau mal:

[SIZE="1"]   sfk list [-late|-old|-big|-small] [...] dir [mask]
       list latest, oldest or biggest files within a directory tree.
       find identical files. list changed files between directories.
       list zip and jar contents. type "sfk list" for more.
          sfk list -dir src1 -file .cpp -dir src2 -file .hpp
          sfk list -late=20 -pure
          sfk list -zip mydir .zip .jar
   sfk stat [-minsize=mb] dir [-i]
       show directory tree size statistics in mbytes.
       minsize: list only dirs and files >= minsize mbytes.
       -i: read list of files and directories from stdin.
          sfk stat -minsize=10m
          type dirlist.txt | sfk stat -quiet -i
   sfk find [-c] singledir pattern [pattern2] [pattern3] ...
   sfk grep [-c] -pat pattern [pattern2] -dir dir1 [-file] [.ext1] ...
       case-insensitive pattern search for text and binary.
       type "sfk find" for details. "sfk grep" is the same.
          sfk find . foobar docs
          sfk find -pat text1 text2 -dir src1 src2 -file .cpp .hpp
          sfk grep -pat mytext -dir . -file .txt -norec
   sfk filter <input >output [-lnum] [-c] -+orpat [++andpat] [-:nopat] [...]
   sfk filter infile -+pattern
       filter and process text lines, from file(s) or from standard input.
       find, replace, highlight words and ex*pre??ions, split and reformat
       text columns. type "sfk filter" for more.
          anyprog | sfk filter -+mypat -:otherpat
          sfk filter result.txt -rep _\_/_ -rep xC:\xD:\x
   sfk run "your command #file [#qfile] [...]" [-yes] [-quiet]
   sfk runloop ifrom ito "your command #[digits]i" [-yes] [-quiet] [-nohead]
       run self-defined command, on files or directories, or by counter.
       type "sfk run" or "sfk runloop" for details.
   sfk ftpserv [-h|-help] [-port=nport] [-rw] [-maxsize=n]
       run simple ftp server, providing access to current directory.
       type "sfk ftpserv -help" for details.
   sfk ftp host[:port] [put|get filename]
       simple ftp client. if connecting to sfk server, this client uses
       sfk/sft protocol, which should always work even if ftp doesn't.
       type "sfk ftp" for details.
   sfk split 2000m infile.dat [outfile.dat]
   sfk join infile.dat.part1 [outfile.dat]
       split and join large binary files. "sfk split" for more.
   sfk detab=tabsize dir ext1 [ext2 ...]
       replace tabs by spaces within file(s).
          sfk detab=3 sources .cpp .hpp
          sfk detab=3 singleFileName.txt
   sfk scantab -dir dir1 dir2 -file ext1 [ext2 ...]
       check if files contain tabs. "sfk scantab" for more.
          sfk scantab -dir src1 src2 -file .cpp .hpp
          sfk scantab . .cpp .hpp
   sfk lf-to-crlf [or addcr] [dir .ext1 .ext2] or [singlefile]
   sfk crlf-to-lf [or remcr] [dir .ext1 .ext2] or [singlefile]
       convert between CR/LF and just LF text format.
          sfk remcr batches .bat .cmd
          sfk remcr mybatch.bat
   sfk text-join-lines infile outfile
       for text with lines split by email reformatting.
   sfk rep[lace] [...] -text /src/dst/ -dir mydir -file .ext1 [-yes]
       replace strings or byte blocks in binary files. source and target
       patterns must have the same length. "sfk replace" for more.
   sfk hexdump [-showle] [...] dir .ext1 .ext2 .ext3
   sfk bin-to-src [-java] [-pack] [...] infile outfile namePrefix
       create hexdump, C or Java source code from binary data.
       type "sfk hexdump" or "sfk bin-to-src" for more.
   sfk tcpdump [-showle] [...] targetserver:port [-timeout msec] [-wide]
       create hexdump of a tcp connection. "sfk tcpdump" for more.
   sfk hextobin   convert hexdump to binary data.
   sfk tail [head] [-lines=n] [-f[ollow] filename [filter options]
       print and follow last lines of a file. "sfk tail" for more.
   sfk addhead <in >out [-noblank] string1 string2 ...
   sfk addtail <in >out [-noblank] string1 string2 ...
       add string(s) at start or end of lines.
       with noblank specified, does not add blank char.
   sfk strings [-umlauts] [-wrapbin=n] filename
       extract strings from a binary file. resulting text lines are split
       at column 80 by default, which can be changed by -wrapbin or -wrap.
          sfk strings test.exe | sfk filter -+VersionInfo
   sfk pathfind anycmd.exe | sfk where anycmd.exe
       tells location of anycmd.exe within PATH.
   sfk deblank [-yes]
       replace blanks in filenames by "_" character.
       command only simulates. specify -yes to really rename.
   sfk del[ete] dir .ext1 .ext2
       delete selected files. "sfk del" for more.
   sfk color colorname
       set text color to white, grey, red, green, blue, yellow, black.
   sfk echo [color]text[def] [text2] [...]
       print colored text onto console. "sfk echo" for details.
   sfk snapto=outfile [-pure] [-norec] -dir mydir1 -file .ext1 .ext2
       collect many files into one large text file. "sfk snapto" for more.
   sfk synctext=dbfile [-stop] dir mask [:mask2]
       edit many files in parallel, by editing a single collection file.
       type "sfk synctext" for details.
   sfk md5gento=outfile dir [mask] [mask2] [:mask3] [...]
   sfk md5gento outfile -dir dir1 dir2 -file mask1 mask2 :mask3 [...]
       create list of md5 checksums over all files.
          sfk md5gento=md5.dat .
   sfk md5check infile [-skip=n] [-skip n]
       verify list of md5 checksums. to speed up verifys by spot checking,
       specify -skip=n: after every checked file, n files will be skipped.
          sfk md5check md5.dat
   sfk md5 [-quiet] [-verify md5sum] filename [filename2 filename3 ...]
       create md5 of file(s), without a list. "sfk md5" for details.
   sfk dupfind [-minsize=n] -dir dir1 -file .ext1 -dir dir2 -file .ext2
       find duplicate files. "sfk dupfind" for details.
   sfk reflist [-abs] [-wide] -dir sdir -file .ext1 -dir tdir -file .ext2
   sfk deplist [-abs] [-wide] -dir sdir -dir tdir1 tdir2 [-file .ext]
       find file references or dependencies. "sfk reflist" for help.
   sfk alias [-list|-del|-ren] [shortname] [=] [command]
       create command aliases to save typing effort. "sfk alias" for help.
   sfk mkcd cdname
       creates an alias remembering the current dir. "sfk mkcd" for help.
   sfk patch [...]
       dynamic source file patching. type "sfk patch" for details.
   sfk inst [...]
       instrument c++ source code with calls to micro tracing kernel.
       type "sfk inst" for details.
   sfk help ascii - list ascii character set.[/SIZE]

Ich hab was gesucht, um 'Strings' aus Programmen auszulesen. Oft kann man dabei sehen, mit welchen anderen Dateien das Programm zusammenarbeit bzw. welche Kommandos es aufruft. Geht mit sfk strings filename
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